If there is an urgent server problem please email us at
with details of the problem and your contact details (email / mobile phone / skype) to
get back to you.
For normal support requests please use
info@livetrack24.com in accordance to our availability
Support availability
The service is self-provisioned so that organizers are able to setup & run events without further assistance.
The events setup guide can be found here
We try to provide support to all events as fast as possible BUT our availability is not guaranteed
So if you really need guaranteed support you have to book it in advance (at least one week prior).
Please send an email to info@livetrack24.com stating your event url and the timeslot you will need it.
Guaranteed Support is priced at 15,00 EUR / Hour and must be prepaid before the event start.
Non booked support outside working hours is charged 30,00 EUR / request.
Urgent problems that are related to well functioning of the server
(but not configuration problems/questions) can be addressed to urgent24@livetrack24.com