
21 - 25 Jun 2017

Cross Country
And the winners 2017 are
2017-06-24 13:23
The Iceland PG Open 2017 is now over.
It was great fun for all :-)
Iceland PG Open winners are:
1. Hans Kristjan Gudmundsson
2. Herbert Porst
3.Eberhard Raichle
Congratulations to the winners, well done
Icelandic Championship winners are:
1. Hans Kristjan Gudmundsson
2. Tyr Goldsmith
3. Arnar Jonsson
Prize giving at 12.00
2017-06-24 09:50
No flying today because of strong wind.*Prize Giving at 12.00 at HQ*
.Task1 - Official results
2017-06-23 11:15
Task 1 - Official results.This was a great but a very difficult task in a very narrow window of conditions.
One pilot made goal (Hans) and other pilots were distributed along the taskline.
Congratulations Hans. .
Friday 23. June cancelled due to weather *** BBQ + Beer Tonight ****
2017-06-23 11:05
Event info
Iceland PG Open is a competition for all levels of competitors.
The competition is FAI Category 2 Competition.
It is amazing to fly in exotic country having is 24 hour daylight.
Most tasks to be flown from Mt. Burfell in south of Iceland.
But depending on weather takeoffs might be different for different days.
Note: Iceland is GMT+0 all year round
Yes there will be event T-Shirts for competitors :-)
We plan to have BBQ Friday night for all at HQ
In the competition area there are no airspace limitations
.How to get here
Travel to Iceland is by Airplane.
International competitors fly to Iceland (KEF intenational airport)
Around 30 airlines have scheduled flights to Iceland.
It might be helpful to find suitable flights using www.dohop.com
HQ is at Arnes
It has camping place, hostel, restaurant and swimmingpool.
Driving is the only option to get to Arnes :-)
ARNES GPS Coordinates N64° 2' 44.828" W20° 14' 56.404"
Google map directions:

HQ will be at Camping Site of Arnes ( http://tjalda.is/en/arnes/ )
The HQ is located about 100 km to the East of Reykjavik.
There is a swimming pool and hot jacuzzi at HQ.
Those who dont want to camp and prefer rooms look at http://www.hostel.is/Hostels/Arnes/
There are other options like:
Steinsholt ( http://ww.steinsholt.is ) which is on the way to takeoff.
Leirubakki ( http://www.leirubakki.is ) on the east side of takeoff.
And Airbnb ( airbnb.com ) has number of options (search selfoss to get close to the HQ)
Cottage rentals:
And farmstays:
I know some visitors will actually just buy some cheap tents and stuff and treat it as single use (for the trip).
The shops have not started selling summer stuff, but this is feasible option if you agree in staying in a tent :-)
Area Info & Activities

Photos in this gallery are from the organizer and shamelessly copied from social media and borrowed from pilots and others having nice photos.Selection and entry fee
Maximum pilots
The competition is open to all pilots.
There is a maximum of 50 places/pilots for this competition.
The registration is only valid once the organization has received the registration fee.
Iceland priority for 30 places until 15. March (changed!)
Iceland pilots have priority for 30 places until 15. March (changed!), so up to 20 places will be allocated to visiting pilots on first come first basis.After 15. March pilots from any nation will get places that are available on first come first serve.
The first 20 places for visiting pilots can be allocated at any time.
Please note, you can register and be on waiting list for available places.
The registration is only valid once the organization has received the registration fee.
After 15. March available places will be first come first serve, make registrations and payments will secure your place.
Entry fee
The entry fee is €65 / ISK 7.500
---Notify by email of all payments---
Payment methods:
Pay to email: ag@teigar.net
***International Bank Transfer/SWIFT:
Name: Agust Gudmundsson
IBAN: IS230513261001942606602769
Name: Agust Gudmundsson
IBAN: IS070513387103822606602769
***Iceland bank transfer:
513-26-100194 Knt: 260660-2769
Or make arrangements of payment with the organizer by mail.
After that refunds are discretion of organizer.
Competition schedule
Registration will be at HQ evening 20th and early morning 21st before we go to take off.
General schedule for each competition day:
21-24 June Task days as defined in Morning Briefing
Sunday 25.June is reserve day and only flown as part of the competition in case of no valid task has been flown in previous competition days.
09.00 - Pilot Briefing at HQ
11.00 - Task briefing at takeoff
17.00 - Downloads and scoring at HQ
BBQ at HQ/camping Friday night.
Prize giving Saturday night (pending Sunday as reserve day )
Prizes and competition categories
Winners of Open Competition will receive Medals for top 3 places.
Icelandic top pilots will be the Icelandic Champion of 2016 for top 3 places.
Sponsors for further prizes in progress :-)
Main contact is the Meet Director Agust Gudmundsson
email: ag@teigar.net
phone: +354 897 9882
Contact Info
Main contact is the
Meet Director: Agust Gudmundsson
Contact the organizer Email: ag@teigar.net
Phone: +354 897 9882