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SE Wales
12 - 13 Sep 2020
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country

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Dragon Hike and Fly Race 2020 - Further postponement until 12-13 September - 2020-08-21 19:38

On the Dragon Hike and Fly Telegram group, organiser Ali Andrews said:

"Hi Everyone, it is with great regret that I'm going to postpone the race from the weekend of 22-23 August. I would really like it to go ahead this year, but with rain all day on the Saturday and a poor forecast for Sunday, the race wouldn't be what it should be.

Instead of cancelling for the year, I would like to give one more weekend a shot in September and I hope that lots of you will still be able to come. I'd like to go for 12-13 September, which will also allow us to have a proper after party, as Welsh lockdown rules will be further eased by then. Once again, I'm sorry and hope you're able to make new weekend plans that don't involved getting your paraglider soaked on Saturday.

More information will follow in due course."

Dragon Hike and Fly Race 2020 - Postponed until August - 2020-06-28 13:25

Message from Alistair:

I hope that everyone is well and keeping sane at home (or working your socks off at a hospital - thank you!). In light of the lockdown, I've decided to postpone the race until 22-23 August. If those dates look unachievable, we'll just have to postpone until next year and all entries made for this year's race will be transferable. Thank you for your understanding and fingers crossed for August.