
15 - 22 Jun 2019

Class 1, 5 and Sportclass
Past Tasks
Task Distance: 65 km
Finished ![]() |
Task Distance: 104 km
Finished ![]() |
Task Distance: 50 km
Finished ![]() |
Event info
From Kandel (1248 m NN) you can fly in all directions, even to the flatlands.
Because of the size of the take-off-area, the number of pilots is limited to 50.
The Dutch organisation is specialist in tasks for Classe1, sportclass and Class 5 together.
During the contest, task, results and pictures will be published at
Because of the size of the take-off-area, the number of pilots is limited to 50.
The Dutch organisation is specialist in tasks for Classe1, sportclass and Class 5 together.
During the contest, task, results and pictures will be published at
Local Rules
Local Regulations Dutch Open 2019.pdf
The competition is open to all competition hangglider pilots. Pilots will need to present the following valid documents at registration:
- B3 brevet or an IPPI 5 or equivalent hang gliding license issued by your NAC
- a FAI sporting license
- a 3rd party liability insurance of at least € 1.500.000.- (!!!)
Use of GPS-livetrackers (Flymaster tracker) is mandatory.
The trackers are included and will be handed out at the launch site.
The tracklogs of the flights are primary evaluated through the livetrackers. Only if this data is insufficient, alternatively the records of other GPS-devices (must include altitude) will be evaluated. (Cables for download to be brought by the pilots, back up-devices are strongly recommended).
The tracklogs of the flights are primary evaluated through the livetrackers. Only if this data is insufficient, alternatively the records of other GPS-devices (must include altitude) will be evaluated. (Cables for download to be brought by the pilots, back up-devices are strongly recommended).
Evaluation software: GPSdump, FS-Comp.
Local Regulations
How to get here
Furthermore, at the landing site / headquarters there will be possibility for basic camping. Toilets are available. The rate for this camping is €7.- per night. From Thursday until Sunday there will be food and drinks available at this location as well.
Area Info & Activities
Selection and entry fee
For this competition the entry limit is 50 places.
This competition includes a free t-shirt and competition diner.
Competition fee for registration to the Dutch Open is € 125.- euro if payed before the 1st of June..
Registration with payment after Juni 1st is 145 euro.
Because of the limited places only pilots who pay the competition fee in advance are certain of a place.
If the competition will be canceled minimal € 85.- is debited to get some of the organisation costs funded.
And don't forget to register also!
Competition schedule
Saturday, June 15th 2019
17:00 - 20:00 - Registration
Sunday, June 16th 2019
09:00 - 09:30 - Mandatory welcome and safety briefing
Sunday June 16th 2019 - Saturday 22th 2019
Contest Flying days
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
19:00 - Pilot Diner
Saturday June 22th, 2019
19:00 - Price-giving
Daily schedule
09:00 - Briefing at Head Quarters, (+ official results the day before)
11:30 - Briefing on take-off
12:30 - Take off window opens
17:00 - Scoring Open (evaluation through livetrackers)
21:00 - Provisional Results (whatsapp-group)
Results and pictures: http://www.avda.nl/NK2019/Kandel/
Prizes and competition categories
The following rankings are scored:
- Dutch Open
- Nederlands Kampioenschap Berg (Dutch Nationals Mountain)
- Dutch Open Woman
Each of those in the following categories
- Class 1
- Sport class
- Class 5
KNVvL Deltavliegen