iPhone: FlySkyHy Setup - 2018-06-15 14:49
FlySkyHy Setup
The options that I have found to be most effective are shown below:
Step 1: Ensure you have the latest version off FlySkyHy installed on your iPhone
Step 2: Go into settings -> LiveTracker
Step 3: Setup enable Livetracking during flight (so your wife cant see you at the pub..). Set LiveTrack24 as the server and provide the username and password that you entered the Barberton open with. Report interval defaults to every 10 seconds. This means the app tries to send the accumulated breadcrumbs to the server every 10s (see comments below). If your phone has battery issues you can up this to 60 seconds although that is a bit of a party pooper for livetracking spectators. That is better than your phone dying though.
Step 4: Set the log interval to 1 second. This is how frequently the app creates a breadcrumb for your tracklog (IGC file). This file is stored on phone in case of communications issues.
Step 5: Enable auto start under settings->other. This will allow you to "fire" the app up and then it will start logging when you take off. Disable auto-end as this can create problems. Please manually end your flight when you land.
General Note
Please make sure that your phone is fully charged and has a battery pack if its battery power is poor. Some phones will automatically kill FlySkyHy if they get to "low battery" mode which is at around 15% of power.
Final note:
PLEASE remember to turn the tracking app on. Ja Nee