Scoring 2019 - overview - 2019-12-16 17:05
The purpose of this blog is to give a brief overview of the scoring process.
For the last few years in South Africa, due to mounting costs of scoring, Livetrack24 has been used as our scoring platform. In the ideal world, each pilot would have a tracker and spectators/friends could monitor progress and scoring would be autonomous. This is currently not possible for various reasons, so a two step process is followed:
Step 2: The scoring team take the tracklogs and do an
initial scoring run in FS Score (The official scoring software of the FAI The tracklogs are downloaded from LiveTrack and the scoring is performed and reported on. Note that sometimes a track shows
goal in Livetrack24 but not in FS Score. This can be due to Ellipsoid tolerances and the fact that FS score is slightly more accurate than LiveTrack24. In this case, it is best to submit your tracklog from a dedicated flight instrument (not a phone).
As can be seen, this can be an iterative process as pilots may need to submit revised logs and the scoring then gets run multiple times until everybody is happy (or their scores are accurate at least!).
General comments
- It helps scorers when you submit your tracklog to Livetrack24 as soon as possible after landing
- Please let scorers know if you don't fly as each pilot must be accounted for - i.e. absent / turkey etc
- Don't panic if your provisional score doesn't match Livetrack - just contact the scoring team with your IGC file from a flying instrument