03 - 05 Nov 2017
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country

Competition: Final Results

2017 Gatskop - Porterville

2017-11-03 to 2017-11-05

Gatskop 2017

Total results


Task Date Distance Day Quality
T1 Task 1 2017-11-04 10:15 38.1 km 13% Race to Goal with 1 startgate(s)
T2 Task 2 2017-11-05 10:15 36.9 km 73% Race to Goal with 1 startgate(s)

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor T 1 T 2 Total
1 18398 Andrew Taylor M RSA Skywalk Chili 4 [EN B] www.darkdata.co.za 99 724 823
2 23698 Graham Fisher M GBR Gradient Aspen 4 - 24 [EN C] 78 630 708
3 21295 Danie Erasmus M RSA Nova Mentor 4 - M [EN B] Danie Erasmus 88 570 658
4 23374 Karl Lambrecht M RSA MacPara Eden 6 - 28 [EN B] 101 535 636
5 38312 Greg Daynes M RSA Triple Seven Queen - M [EN C] 102 528 630
6 20847 Patrice Hartmann M FRA Ozone Magnum 2 - 41 [EN B] 62 525 587
7 33642 Tony Bramhill M RSA Nova Ion3 - M [EN B] 76 509 585
8 38307 Dennis Mcrystal M RSA Advance Epsilon 6 - 31 [LTF 1-2] 54 514 568
9 17930 Doc Hawkins M RSA Nova TRITON2 - L [EN C] Globelstone 76 481 557
10 38212 James Burton M RSA Swing ArcusRS - S [EN B] 89 400 489
10 6628 Gerhardus Combrinck M RSA Nova Triton2 - S [LFT 2] 14 475 489
12 25950 Florence Sexton F RSA Niviuk Artik4 - 21 [EN C] 60 403 463
13 4802 Grové Steyn M RSA Swing Sensis - M [EN B] 99 358 457
14 13772 John Henderson M RSA BGD Base - L [EN B] 45 174 219
15 36997 WJ De Vries M RSA ProDesign Thema 2 - 65 [EN B] 75 142 217
16 25148 Grant Smith M RSA Skywalk Cayenne 5XS [EN C] 70 146 216
17 37812 Marc Acker M RSA Advance Epsilon8 - 25 [EN B] 92 122 214
18 33696 Marcus Hounsell M RSA Nova Mentor3 - S [EN B] 76 128 204
19 34666 Monique Fuller F RSA Ozone Magnum 2 - 41 [EN B] 64 125 189
20 37714 Trevor Dickson M GBR Nova Mentor 5 - M [EN B] 100 77 177
21 11489 Rouberre Botha M RSA UP Trangoxrace - MS [EN C] None 120 33 153
22 37585 Kyle Sexton M RSA Advance Alpha 5 - 26 [EN A] 20 131 151
23 4636 Eugene Claase M RSA Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] Cape Nomads 88 33 121
24 26497 Wouter Bronkhorst M RSA Ozone Rush4 - MS [EN B] www.boman.co.za 88 0 88
25 7317 Ben Arnold M RSA Skywalk Arriba3 - S [EN B] 75 0 75
26 28485 Zenti Bishop M RSA Ozone Rush4 - XL [EN B] Self 23 48 71
27 37716 Sebastiaan van der Meijden M RSA Windtech Quarx 2-29 [LFT 2] 58 0 58
28 22636 Mias De klerk M RSA Gin Carrera - S [EN B] Winelands Paragliding 57 0 57
29 38191 Sean De Beer M RSA Nova Ion3 - S [EN B] 21 33 54
30 38095 Wian Smith M RSA Swing Arcus 5.22 [LTF 1-2] 0 33 33
31 37651 Robert Sexton M RSA Ozone Buzz - M [LTF 1-2] 21 0 21
32 37499 Luke Neville M RSA Paratech P27 - L [LTF 1-2] 17 0 17
33 37546 Shane McPherson M RSA Nova Artax - L [LTF 1-2] None 14 0 14
33 4784 Ian Douglas de Vries M RSA BGD Dual - 40 [EN B] 14 0 14
35 38321 Erika Kotze F RSA Nova Ion 2 - XS [EN B] 0 0 0
35 38121 Stephan Van der Meer M RSA Swing Discus - M [EN A] 0 0 0
35 38109 Halvor Reiten M NOR Ozone Buzz Z M-L [LTF 1-2] 0 0 0
35 38107 Robin Hunt-Davis M RSA Swing ARCUSRS - L [EN B] 0 0 0
35 10385 Stephane Juncker M RSA Ozone Enzo2 - M [CCC] Durex 0 0 0
35 5465 Andre Steenberg M RSA UTurn Passenger - L [LTF 1-2] U-Turnsa 0 0 0
35 4704 Francois De Villiers Jnr. M RSA AirDesign Volt - M [EN C] 0 0 0
35 38319 Rob Smith M RSA Swing Mistral 6.22 [EN B] 0 0 0
35 7165 Ruard De Bruyn M RSA BGD Dual - 40 [EN B] Hi 5 Paragliding 0 0 0
35 7107 Jean Van Niekerk M RSA Niviuk Icepeak7 Pro-model - 24 [EN D] I 0 0 0
35 38320 Sue Day F RSA Gradient Bi Golden3 - 39 [EN B] 0 0 0
35 26702 Chris Bond M RSA Triple Seven Rook - M [EN B] 0 0 0
35 25601 Tobias Hinas M SWE Gin Carrera+ - M [EN B] 0 0 0
35 33760 Clive Mantle M KHM Ozone Zeno - MS [EN D] 0 0 0
35 27693 Ria Moothilal M RSA Skywalk Cayenne 5S [EN C] AfricanSkyGear.com 0 0 0
35 22568 Steyn Theron M RSA Triple Seven Rook2 - MS [EN B] 0 0 0
35 17784 Kirsten Kingma F RSA Nova Mentor 3 - M [EN B] 0 0 0
35 10700 Stephan Ferreira M RSA Nova Mentor 5 - L [EN B] Nova-Wings SA 0 0 0
35 20355 Shawn Hefer M RSA UTurn Blacklight - SM [EN B] Private 0 0 0
35 17865 Colin Buckley M RSA Swing Mistral 5.30 [LTF 1-2] 0 0 0
35 34306 Mornay Du Plessis M RSA Axis Pluto - S [LFT 2] 0 0 0
35 37737 Alix Boudon M FRA Ozone Enzo2 - S [CCC] Equipe de ligue Occitanie 0 0 0
35 37500 IOEL SHEMTOV M RSA Ozone Delta 2 - ML [EN C] 0 0 0
35 38102 Werner Ewers M RSA Swing Mistral 7 - L [EN B] 0 0 0
35 38044 Gary Velcich M RSA Ozone Delta - S [EN C] 0 0 0
35 37493 Eden Theron F RSA Sky Paragliders Anakis 2 - S [EN B] 0 0 0
35 37212 Lene VanRensburg F RSA Bruce Goldsmith Design User entered 0 0 0
35 3650 Francois De Villiers M RSA Ozone R10.2 - L [CCC] 0 0 0
35 37485 Clayton Vermeulen M RSA Skywalk Mescal 4 - M [EN A] 0 0 0
35 37481 Pieter de beer M RSA Ozone Enzo - M [EN D] letsfly 0 0 0
Report created: 2017-11-06T19:35:29+02:00