Burfell / South of Iceland
17 - 21 Jun 2015
Paraglider Paraglider

Blog & News

Day 3 - Task 1 has been set - 2015-06-19 12:10

Good weather at Burfell.
Task has been set from Burfell BF01 to Hrauneyjar BF13 a 28km task.
Both Paragliders and Hanggliders will fly the same task.

Day two - 2015-06-18 09:12

Today starts as the weather was yesterday (low clouds and drizzle).
BUT things are changing as I write this.
It looks like flyable in the afternoon and next days.
Sun is clearing the cloud cover and will start warming the ground and make thermals for us.
We plan to go for Burfell takeoff at 12.00.

First day - Wait until 12 to see if weather improves - 2015-06-17 09:22

Decision to wait until 12.00 to see if weather improves (cloudbase gets off our shoulders). 

We use the time to finalize registration, upload waypoints and more. 
Waypoints are downloadable from this siteite.