Live Event : Pinksteroverland4daagse /Taak 1 Medium / 2014-06-06

Live Pilots 4 out of 4 total pilots in the Task - Results are strictly for informational purposes !!!
They are computed based on live data every 3 min, No scoring yet ... stay tuned
#PilotIDPilotGliderLast positionTask ResultLocationAvg SpeedHeightSpeedLatLong
1 HJ No end of Track was receivedGert Koolman - Bert Takens
19:40:29  0.0 km [] TO [~0.2 km] 0 km/h 31 m 0 km/h 52.73212 6.51723 UTM: 32U, X: 332364, Y: 5845362
2 HO No end of Track was receivedLotte Barla
LS 4
20:18:50  0.0 km [] TO [~0.2 km] 0 km/h 15 m 0 km/h 52.73198 6.51812 UTM: 32U, X: 332424, Y: 5845345
3 NJ No end of Track was receivedCornelis van Houwelingen
20:19:10  0.0 km [] TO [~0.2 km] 0 km/h 13 m 0 km/h 52.73205 6.51833 UTM: 32U, X: 332438, Y: 5845352
4 PW No end of Track was receivedWiily Kroon
18:10:33  0.0 km [] TO [~0.2 km] 0 km/h 12 m 0 km/h 52.73202 6.51820 UTM: 32U, X: 332430, Y: 5845349