Live Event : 2018 Barberton Paragliding Open /Day 7 Task 7 / 2018-06-30
2018 Barberton Paragliding Open

Live Pilots 42 out of 42 total pilots in the Task - Results are strictly for informational purposes !!!
They are computed based on live data every 3 min, Last update: 2018-06-30 18:01:27 UTC+2
#PilotIDPilotGliderLast positionTask ResultLocationAvg SpeedHeightSpeedLatLong
1 100001 Track was ended normally Heinrich Marloth
Triple Seven Queen2 - MS [EN C]
16:21:39  1.0 km [0] ES [~0.1 km] 40.9 km/h 786 m 5 km/h -25.79175 31.04104 UTM: 36J, X: 303583, Y: 7145916
2 29645 No end of Track was received Michael Semple
Nova Mentor 5 light - XS [EN B]
16:32:44  -1.0 km [0] TP1 [~266.5 km] 0 km/h 1688 m 0 km/h -26.14016 28.29970 UTM: 35J, X: 629923, Y: 7108144
348440 Adam van RenssenNo Live data yet from this pilot
450011 Andre NortjeNo Live data yet from this pilot
5319 Andrew SmithNo Live data yet from this pilot
642359 Andrew TaylorNo Live data yet from this pilot
7476455210 Anthony ClementeNo Live data yet from this pilot
8309 Anton NaudeNo Live data yet from this pilot
952097 Ben ArnoldNo Live data yet from this pilot
102795 Cal DykerNo Live data yet from this pilot
1117268 Chris van NoordNo Live data yet from this pilot
1245446 Danie ErasmusNo Live data yet from this pilot
1334255 Doc HawkinsNo Live data yet from this pilot
142802 Douglas Van baalenNo Live data yet from this pilot
15645 Duncan KotzeNo Live data yet from this pilot
1634263 Fanie BardenhorstNo Live data yet from this pilot
1728423 Gary Du-PlessisNo Live data yet from this pilot
1847281 Grant SmithNo Live data yet from this pilot
1940228 Guise RauchNo Live data yet from this pilot
20438 Henry SchurinkNo Live data yet from this pilot
21476455212 Henry van WykNo Live data yet from this pilot
222794 Jan MinnaarNo Live data yet from this pilot
23238 Johan De bruijnNo Live data yet from this pilot
2449048 Johan van TonderNo Live data yet from this pilot
25340 John NicholasNo Live data yet from this pilot
26981 Jon PioNo Live data yet from this pilot
2740225 Kelvin Van BaalenNo Live data yet from this pilot
2816094 Kevin CollierNo Live data yet from this pilot
294892 Khobi-Jane BowdenNo Live data yet from this pilot
30575 Laurence ChambersNo Live data yet from this pilot
311299 Linda WillemseNo Live data yet from this pilot
32476455213 Mark HumanNo Live data yet from this pilot
33476455211 Martin MinnaarNo Live data yet from this pilot
3444214 Neel BreitenbachNo Live data yet from this pilot
35305 Nevil HulettNo Live data yet from this pilot
361295 Pierre CarterNo Live data yet from this pilot
3750013 Ria MoothilalNo Live data yet from this pilot
3813782 Rulof BritsNo Live data yet from this pilot
394747 Russell AchterbergNo Live data yet from this pilot
4047088 Theron LouwrensNo Live data yet from this pilot
4150010 Thys SteynbergNo Live data yet from this pilot
424900 Tracey KingNo Live data yet from this pilot