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Events \\ Interrégional Grand Ouest Ploermel 2016 \\ Entrainement 1 / 2016-07-23

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Live Pilots 17 out of 17 total pilots in the Task - Results are strictly for informational purposes !!!
They are computed based on live data every 3 min, Last update: 2016-07-23 23:02:04 UTC+2
#PilotIDPilotGliderLast positionTask ResultLocationAvg SpeedHeightSpeed
1 B146 No end of Track was received Millot
33.3 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 14.5 km/h 70 m 0 km/h
2 C67 No end of Track was received Renard
Std. Cirrus
29.6 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 7.4 km/h 74 m 0 km/h
3 B421 No end of Track was received Martin
26.7 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 6.1 km/h 81 m 0 km/h
4 DH No end of Track was received Stead
Discus bT
26.7 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 10.3 km/h 71 m 0 km/h
5 VU No end of Track was received Palueau
Janus 18.2m
26.1 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 16.1 km/h 66 m 0 km/h
6 D No end of Track was received Richard
25.5 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 15.5 km/h 66 m 0 km/h
7 BS No end of Track was received Mathelier
13.6 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 5.7 km/h 60 m 0 km/h
8 2Y No end of Track was received Marot
Ventus 2c-18m
8.4 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 6.8 km/h 69 m 0 km/h
9 E529 No end of Track was received Lassabe
6.0 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 8.1 km/h 63 m 0 km/h
10 VA No end of Track was received Gu‚erin
Janus C RG
0.0 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 0 km/h 63 m 0 km/h
11 FV No end of Track was received LeBreton
0.0 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 0.0 km/h 70 m 0 km/h
12 3C No end of Track was received Untersee
LS 6
0.0 km [0] GOAL [~0.1 km] 0 km/h 69 m 0 km/h
13CT DePechyNo Live data yet from this pilot
1486 GadouletNo Live data yet from this pilot
15D9 LeRouxNo Live data yet from this pilot
16CS SimonNo Live data yet from this pilot
17QO TegnerNo Live data yet from this pilot

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Event Time: UTC+2

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Type of Task: Race to Goal

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