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Paraglider No end of Track was received pranzlandi
was at Brandkogel - AT [~1.1 km]
on 01-03-2025 11:46:17 UTC+0 
Alt:523 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:01:09:23
Distance from takeoff 10.0 km, [Max] 11.1 km

Takeoff: Brandkogel - AT ~1.0km
at 01-03-2025 10:36:54 UTC+1
Distance from takeoff 11.1 km
[Max] 11.1 km [Max] 11.1 km
Paraglider Track was ended normally eMBa
was at Jastrzebia Gora - PL [~0.0 km]
on 01-03-2025 11:46:04 UTC+0 
Alt:6 m, Speed:1 km/h, Duration:01:01:08
Distance from takeoff 0.2 km, [Max] 1.5 km

Takeoff: Jastrzebia Gora... - PL
at 01-03-2025 10:44:56 UTC+1
Distance from takeoff 1.5 km
[Max] 1.5 km [Max] 1.5 km
Paraglider No end of Track was received MartinPetz
was at Hahnenkamm (Reutte) - AT [~1.7 km]
on 01-03-2025 11:32:41 UTC+0 
Alt:903 m, Speed:6 km/h, Duration:00:45:23
Distance from takeoff 2.8 km, [Max] 3.9 km

Takeoff: Hahnenkamm (Reu... - AT ~1.8km
at 01-03-2025 10:47:18 UTC+1
Distance from takeoff 3.9 km
[Max] 3.9 km [Max] 3.9 km
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