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    • Paraglider
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    2.   Paraglider 
    Paraglider Track was ended normally Pollo
    was at Sant Feliu de Codines - ES [~4.2 km]
    on 19-02-2025 10:39:35 UTC+0 
    Alt:769 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:01:50
    Distance from takeoff 0.5 km, [Max] 0.5 km

    Takeoff: Sant Feliu de C... - ES ~4.6km
    at 19-02-2025 10:37:45 UTC+1
    Distance from takeoff 0.5 km
    [Max] 0.5 km [Max] 0.5 km
    Paraglider Track was ended normally Rahmatesmaili
    was at Absard Damavand - IR [~109.7 km]
    on 19-02-2025 09:42:03 UTC+0 
    Alt:1415 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:14:48
    Distance from takeoff 4.4 km, [Max] 4.7 km

    Takeoff: Absard Damavand... - IR ~110.2km
    at 19-02-2025 09:27:15 UTC+3
    Distance from takeoff 4.7 km
    [Max] 4.7 km [Max] 4.7 km
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