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      Paraglider No end of Track was received Gummy
      was at Diego Bernal - La Tulia - CO [~8.2 km]
      on 08-02-2025 22:19:27 UTC+0 
      Alt:947 m, Speed:57 km/h, Duration:00:00:00
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km, [Max] 0.0 km

      Takeoff: Diego Bernal - ... - CO ~8.2km
      at 08-02-2025 22:19:27 UTC-5
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km
      [Max] 0.0 km [Max] 0.0 km
      Glider Track was ended normally rosco46
      was at Tri Reserve - AU [~42.5 km]
      on 08-02-2025 22:18:47 UTC+0 
      Alt:273 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:02:00
      Distance from takeoff 0.5 km, [Max] 0.5 km

      Takeoff: Tri Reserve - AU ~43.0km
      at 08-02-2025 22:16:47 UTC+11
      Distance from takeoff 0.5 km
      [Max] 0.5 km [Max] 0.5 km
      Paraglider Track was ended normally cminor
      was at Gundelfingen - DE [~2.5 km]
      on 08-02-2025 22:17:58 UTC+0 
      Alt:266 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:00:00:11
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km, [Max] 0.0 km

      Takeoff: Gundelfingen - DE ~2.5km
      at 08-02-2025 22:17:47 UTC+1
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km
      [Max] 0.0 km [Max] 0.0 km
      Glider No end of Track was received NeilCampbell
      was at Mt Ben Nevis - AU [~105.5 km]
      on 08-02-2025 22:01:58 UTC+0 
      Alt:127 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:22:27:17
      Distance from takeoff 7.5 km, [Max] 78.2 km

      Takeoff: Mt Ben Nevis - AU ~110.2km
      at 07-02-2025 23:34:41 UTC+11
      Distance from takeoff 78.2 km
      [Max] 78.2 km [Max] 78.2 km
      Paraglider Track was ended normally cliff
      was at Roldanillo Compe - CO [~0.2 km]
      on 08-02-2025 21:57:47 UTC+0 
      Alt:958 m, Speed:0 km/h, Duration:01:11:01
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km, [Max] 0.0 km

      Takeoff: Roldanillo Comp... - CO
      at 08-02-2025 20:46:46 UTC-5
      Distance from takeoff 0.0 km
      [Max] 0.0 km [Max] 0.0 km
      Select action for this LiveTrack
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      Due to a change in the default view your older than 30 days tracks are not shown. Check here on how to find them