16 - 17 Jul 2022
Class 2
Alpe-Adria-Cup will take place as planned!
2022-07-15 10:11
Dear kind pilotsHerewith we would kindly inform you that Alpe-Adria-Cup 2022 will take place as planned. Accepting some uncertainties about weather, we are convinced to have at least a short task tomorrow. Weather forecast for Sunday is even better.
Please join for registration on Saturday morning between 7.30 and latest 9 am at Goldeck cable car station located at Schwaig 38, 9805 Baldramsdorf.
Looking to meeting you tomorrow.
.Event info
Ausschreibung Deutsch.pdf
Ausschreibung Deutsch.pdf
Alpe Adria CUP 2022
Internationaler CIVL-Kategorie 2 Wettbewerb im Paragleiten. Die Ergebnisse zählen zu allen Wertungsklassen der Österreichischen Liga Paragleiten.
16. - 17. Juli 2022,
Seeboden am Millstättersee
Der Wettbewerb wird vom 1.DGFC Millstättersee im Namen des Österreichischen Aeroclub veranstaltet.
Dear kind pilots
As you might assume, the annual Austrian competition schedule is aligned between Austrian paragliding league and Austrian clubs - latter as organizer of competitions. Having said this, it was agreed that Alpenrosencup should take place from 26th to 29th of May and Alpe-Adria-Cup on 9th and 10th of July. It was also agreed that Alpenrosencup has its replacement date from 7th to 10th of July and that Alpe-Adria-Cup would move to 16th/17th of July in such a case. Due to current weather condition, this situation became true now!
Therefore, Alpe-Adria-Cup will take place on 16th/17th of July.
Local Rules
Anreise mit dem Auto zum Race Office am 1.TAG !
Aktuelle Luftraumkarte
How to get here
Mit Google Maps zum Cup LINK
Prizes and competition categories
• Sachpreise, Urkunden