Greim Pokal 2021 Abgesagt / canceled
Liebe Piloten,
Leider ist der Greimpokal 2021 auf Grund der Wetterprognose für dieses Wochenende abgesagt!
Wir sehen uns nächstes Jahr!
Dear pilots,
Greim Pokal competition canceled due to weather forecast for the weekend!
see you next year!
.. schön oben bleiben ..
Event info
Local Rules
Meet Committee:
•Meeting Director: Egon Schwarz
•Assistent: Stefan Petzner
•Technical Director:Andreas Steiner
•Chief Judge: Mario Fuchsberger
•Task Evaluator: Werner Wenger
•Newcomer Trainer: will be announced at the competition
Competition rules:
Competition will be held according to the FAI CIVL Sporting Code and the Austrian Competition rules.
Participation requirements:
•Valid paragliding license with cross-country permit, valid FAI Sporting license
•Certified and checked glider with valid liability insurance, glider must also conform to rules of Austrian Paragliding League
•Helmet, rescue and back protector!
•Anti-Doping rules have to be observed!
•Maximum number of participants: 80 pilots (60 Austrian, 20 International)
•If the competition is booked out the pilots will be selected according to WPRS (World Pilot Ranking System of FAI)
All pilots fly under their own responsibility.
It is each pilot’s responsibility to take all necessary actions to maintain their own safety during the competition and to ensure that they do not act in any way that might endanger any other pilots during the competition. It is a condition of entry to the event for all pilots to accept without restriction to hold the organisers / owners of take-off and landings blameless, and waive all claims to compensation. The participation at the competition, transfers, retrieve and general program is at your own risk!
Cancellation of competition:
Till Wednesday, 2021-07-14 at 12am it will be definitely decided if the competition will be hold or cancelled due to weather restrictions. This will be published at the website http://www.livetrack24.com/events/GP2021 and the Facebook-page of the competition
Online registration at http://www.livetrack24.com/events/GP2021 If the competition is booked out till 2021-07-06, a selection according to WPRS will follow, afterwards you will get an E-Mail with confirmation and a request to pay the Entry fee. The registration is only valid after paying the full entry fee! If the competition is not booked out till 2021-07-06 the selection is done according to the motto “First Come, First Serve”.
Entry fee:
Overall, Sport, Women Class € 90,- | Newcomer Class (you have to be registered as Newcomer in the Austrian League!) and Flugsportfreunde member € 30,‐ (Payment at competition office, except if booked out per bank transfer- see above)
The registration is only valid after paying the full entry fee! No refund of entry fee if pilot is missing at the competition. If the competition is cancelled € 5 will be retained for exposes of organizer, the rest of the entry fee will be refunded.
Late Registration (no registration on LiveTrack24 till Saturday, 8 o’clock) or no banc transfer after selection: € 10,- processing surcharge
If one task of the competition is cancelled there will be a refund of € 15,- for present pilots after the price giving
The entry fee does include: ONF competition fee, local maps, transfer to take off, coordination for retrieve, compilation and generation of scores.
Competition classes:
All competition classes according to definition of the Austrian paragliding league.
(At least 3 participants per class)
Overall | Sport | Women | Newcomer – you have to be registered as Newcomer in the Austrian League!
Competition tasks:
The competition is planned for 3 tasks. The tasks will be set by the race committee based on the daily weather forecast directly before the start of the task. Participation to briefing is mandatory (English briefing /weather briefing on demand)
Documentation and scoring:
The use of GPS systems for documentation of the flights is mandatory. Compilation and scoring according to the rules of the Austrian paragliding league. A fit for purpose computer connecting cable needs to be provided by the participant. (most common cables are available)
Complaint and protest:
Complaint in written form free of cost within 30 min. after display of unofficial results.
Protest in written form and payment of protest fee within 30 min. after display of official results.
Protest fee: € 50,- Protest fee to the ONF € 100,- according to Austrian competition rules.
How to get here

by car:
Comming from North
(Germany, Salzburg)
From A10 Tauernautobahn till exit St. Michael (tollgate), continue with B99
towards to Tamsweg, B96 towards to Ranten, after driving through Ranten take
L501 to Schöder till St. Peter/Greimhalle.
Comming from South
(Slovenia, Italy, Carinthia)
B 317 till Scheifling, B96 towards to Murau till Katsch, take the L501 till St.
by train:
Unzmarkt (trainstation 25 km) with the Murtalbahn to
Frojach/Katsch, continue by bus to St. Peter,
Attention: only a few connections a day!