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16 - 19 Jun 2022
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country



Alpen Cup 2022 starts on Friday the 17th of June 2022

2022-06-14 18:55
Dear Pilots,
After discussions with our organisation Team, our technical Chief and the Austrian paragliding league, we have decided to start the Alpen Cup 2022 - Kaiserwinkl on Friday the 17th of June due to the predicted weather conditions. 

The registration in our Headquater (Thurnbichl 46, 6345 Kössen) right at the landing area starts on Thursday the 16th of June 2022 from 17:00 on until 21:00 and on Friday the 17th of June from 7:00 - 8:30.
The safety briefing takes place after the registration at 9:00 at our HQ, at 9:30 we will head up to the starting area.

We are looking forward to 3 great days and welcoming all of you in Kössen,
your PDC Kaiserwinkl Team


Whats App Group

2022-06-14 08:08
Hi Pilots! 
The competition is starting soon! To get all the latest info before and throughout the competition you can join the official Alpen Cup 2022 Whats App group! 


WICHTIGE / IMPORTANT: Neuanmeldung notwendig / New registration necessary

2022-06-01 14:24
Hallo PilotIn, 

Wie Du womöglich schon gehört hast, hat die CIVL dieses Jahr ein “Event Management System” gestartet. 

Dieses System wird benutzt, um die CIVL-ID und die FAI-Sportlizenz zu überprüfen. Die Überprüfung findet ausschließlich automatisiert im EMS statt.

Bitte stelle sicher, dass in Deinem Pilotenprofil die Sportlizenz aktiviert ist, ansonsten erhälst Du keine WPRS-Punkte (auch wenn Du vielleicht eine Sportlizenz hast).

Leider können wir die bereits auf eingegangenen Anmeldungen nicht einfach auf der CIVL Seite importieren. 

Daher bitten wir Dich, Deine Anmeldung dort nochmals vorzunehmen:

Neben den typischen Informationen (Name, Schirm, Versicherung …) überprüft das System auch die CIVL-ID und die FAI-ID. Solltest Du Probleme haben Deine CIVL-ID und / oder Deine FAI-ID zu ermitteln, hilft Dir eventuell unsere Anleitung: CIVL-ID und FAI-Sportlizenz

Bitte die Anmeldung so rasch wie möglich durchführen, um Probleme mit der Sportlizenz rechtzeitig zu klären

Vielen Dank, beste Grüße


Dear pilot, 

As you probably know, CIVL launched a new “Event management system” this year. 

This system will be used to check your CIVL-ID and you FAI-sporting license. The check will be done automatised only on this system.

Make sure that your FAI-sporting license is activated in your CIVL-Profile on EMS, otherwise your result will not be pushed to WPRS-rankings (even if you might have a valid FAI-sporting license)

Unfortunately we can't just export all registered pilots from and import them into the new system. 

Therefore please all of you have to do a new registration on

Beside all the typical pilots information (name, wing, insurance …) the system is checking your CIVL-ID and FAI-ID. If you have problems to find out your CIVL-ID and / or your FAI-ID, please find our advatorial here: CIVL-ID und FAI-Sportlizenz

Selection for Ikarus Open will start on June 16th. Make sure you are registered till this date. 

Thanks and best regards


Event info


with international competitors (FAI Cat. 2), competition of the Austrian, Slovenian, Italian, German and Swiss paragliding league

16.06. – 19.06.2022

Host:  Para Delta Club Kaiserwinkl

Thurnbichl 43, 6345 Kössen, Österreich



Meet director:                         Christoph Kurz

Vice Meet director:                 Leander Dagn

Technical  delegate:               Armin Eder

Head of the Jury:                    Andreas Steiner
Evaluator:                                Robert Straif



Paragliding competition in the name of the ÖAeC with int. competitors.  FAI-CIVL-

CAT II, competition of the austrian paragliding league. The competition is operated according to  the code sportives and the Austrian Wettkampfordung 2022.

Local Rules


Kössen, Hochkössen Unterberg


Starting Areas:

Start Bärenhütte (North or West)

Start Gipfelhaus


Competition office and landing area: 

Landing area Unterbacherfeld, directly at the bottom station of the Bergbahnen

Kössen. The competition office is at the landing area.


Authorization to the Kaiserwinkl Alpencup 2022:

• Completly filled and signed registration form at the 1st competition day

• A valid paragliding licence

• A valid FAI-Sportlizence

• A certified and injured paraglider

• Helmed, rescuechute und backprotection.


Competition regularity:

The WO of the ÖAeC and the Code Sportiv (FAI) are valid for this competition. The

competitors accept the regularities with the sign on the registration form.

Link at



All classes according to the Austrian paragliding league.


Overall  (EN A – CCC) with trophys and prize money for the first places.


Serienclass (EN A – EN D) with trophys and prize money for the first places.


Womensclass (if enough competitors, EN A – CCC)  with trophys and prize money for the first places




The paticipation at the competition, transfer and side programm are

at own risk. The pilot is responsible to act according to law and regularities. The

Organisation is not responsible in any way, there is no liability for accidents, injuries or damages.

There is no legal claim to compensation for damages or injuries any kind. The

competitors must act according to the instructions of the organisation. 





Written protest to the organisation up to 30 min. after the notice of the  inofficial

results without a fee.



Written protest to the Jury up to 30 min. after the notice of the officiall results with a

fee of 50 €

Protest to ONF: fee (€ 100,--).



According to the daily weather conditions and competition regularities.



With GPS, Flymaster-Tracker or Flymaster Live according  to the competition regularities 2022.



According to the austrian competition regularities 2022.

Info about Flying here


Tourismusverband Kaiserwinkl
Postweg 6
6345 Kössen
Tirol – Austria
Tel. +43 501 100
Fax: +43 501 100-19

Selection and entry fee


Number of competitors: max. 150

Ther are 28 spots are reserved fort he following paragliding leagues:

·         Austrian league

·         German league

·         Italian league

·         Slovenian league

·         Swiss league

If the contingent of 28 pilots is not needed by any nation, not nominated Pilots from the waiting list will follow.

The organizers can allow 10 wildcards.


Mandatory online registration on:

The online registration is open from the 02.03.2022  until 17.05.2022.

The heads of the 5 national leagues have to nominate 28 pilots of the registrated pilots on May 18th 2022.

All the registered pilots not nominated will get on the waiting list.

The nominated pilots are going to be informed per e-mail and have to pay the registration fee until latest May 24nd 2022. If no transaction is received, the pilot will be replaced by a pilot from the waiting list.

Waiting list: 

The ranking on the waiting list is according to the world pilot ranking system (WPRS) valid on 1st of April

If a spot is opening up, the best ranked pilot on the waiting list of the according nation will take the place. If there are no more pilots of that nation on the waiting list, the best ranked pilot, independent of his/her nation, will take the place.

Registration fee:
€ 150,-
The registration fee has to be paid, when the pilot gets the confirmation of the organizers per e-mail.
If a competitor is not competing, there is no refund.

In case of cancellation we reserve the right to keep 25€, the rest will be transfered back.


Including maps, fee to the ONF, lift transfer, flight analysis, pick up service.

Competition schedule


MI. 15.6.2022

18:00 – 21:00 Registration in the competition office


Do. 16.6.2022

7:00 – 9:00 Registration in the competition office

9:00 mandatory safety briefing, vote of the tasksetting/safety comitee

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

1. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00


Fr. 17.6.2020

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00


Sa. 18.6.2022

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 18:00



So. 19.6.2022

10:30 Briefing at the starting area

2. Task

Latests  notice of the pilots being back 17:00

18:00 ceremony