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St. Michael im Lungau
22 - 25 Jul 2021
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country



Lungau Austrian Open 2021 takes place as planned!

2021-07-19 12:24

Dear pilots,

we are very happy to announce you that after all that heavy rain and floodings the weather now looks very promising for this week. A high pressure area is coming from south. Wind speed and direction should also be okay. This year we have the possibility to go up with cable car to Aineck in case of northern wind and Speiereck in case of southern wind. Thats why we decided that the competition will take place this weekend!

Many of you are coming from far away and want to fly in our region before the competition. From tomorrow on the wind speed will be okay. On Tuesday you will have to go up with cable car to Aineck. For our wind stations please look at

Info for Payment:

At moment we have 71 pilots who paid and still 80 pilots in progress. We are limited to 120 places. So if you want to have a fix starting place you should pay the entry fee immediately. If you do it by banc transfer, please send me a transfer confirmation. You can also pay by Paypal to

Bank details:

Receiver: Drachenflieger und Paragleiterclub Lungau

Bank: Raiffeisenbank St. Michael im Lungau

IBAN: AT72 3506 3000 3412 5047


Entry fee: € 120,-

Please state your first and last name in the purpose of payment.


Info to Covid:

Because we will have more than 100 persons at this comp, I had to make a Covid prevention concept. In general now I have to proof on every day of the comp if you fulfill any of the 3G rules (Vaccinated, Tested, Recovered). We will have Antigen Tests for free at the headquarter but are a bit limited. There is also the possibility to do a free Antigen Test in the test street of St.Michael im Lungau. Adress: Gewerbestraße 354, 5582 St. Michael im Lungau.

Please hold distance (1,5m) to other pilots, wear masks in the busses and cable cars, be responsible! Wash your hands, desinfect your hands. We will have many desinfectant dispenser and a place for washing and showering.


Info to Parking/Caravaning/Tents:

In the picture you can see where you are allowed to park, camp or build up your tent. This areas are only possible from Wednesday evening further on till Sunday. If you are coming earlier please park at the valley station of the Sonnenbahn (Speiereck). The landing field will get cut the next days because the last days it always rained. Takeoff is now like a golf course.


Paying info

2021-07-05 18:28

I heard that many of you didn't get the confirmation mail per Livetrack24 I sent 2 weeks ago. Because this system doesn't work correctly, here are the bank account infos. First paid, first serve. Don't send money without registering here on Livetrack24!

Bank details:

Receiver: Drachenflieger und Paragleiterclub Lungau

Bank: Raiffeisenbank St. Michael im Lungau

IBAN: AT72 3506 3000 3412 5047


Entry fee: € 120,-

Please state your first and last name in the purpose of payment.

Also possible per Paypal to

Please send as friendship so you don't have to pay a fee.


Event info

Lungau & Austrian Open 2021

International CIVL-Category 2 Competition in Paragliding. Results are part of all competition classes of the Austrian Paragliding League.

Austrian Championship 2021

Regional Championship of Salzburg 2021

22nd to 25th July 2021
Reserve date: 29th July to 1st August 2021
Sankt Michael im Lungau

The competition is held by Drachenflieger- und Paragleiterclub Lungau in name of the Austrian Aero Club

Pictures Top Spot Lungau & Aviation Festival 2016

Pictures Lungau Open & Aviation Festival 2017

Pictures Lungau Open 2018

Pictures Lungau Austrian Open 2021

Local Rules

FAI CIVL Local regulations Lungau Austrian Open 2021.pdf

Competition rules:

in this order:
1. Announcement / notice at headquarter
2. Competition rules of Austrian Aero Club, Section Para and Hang Gliding (LINK)
3. FAI: Sporting Code, General Section, Chapters 4 and 5 (LINK)
4. CIVL: Sporting Code, Section 7 Common, Chapter 12 (LINK)

Participation requirements:

• Valid paragliding license with cross-country permit, valid FAI Sporting license
• Certified and checked glider with valid liability insurance for Austria (€ 1.500.000,-), glider must also conform to rules of Austrian Paragliding League (LINK) - means EN-D gliders like Gin Boom X, Ozone EnZo 1 etc. are not allowed to fly in Serial Class, only allowed in Overall class
• Helmet, rescue and back protector are mandatory!
• Rescue cost insurance and Accident insurance are strongly advised!
• The glider has to be flown in the certified configuration, the competition management can check at any time. Changes outside the certified configuration may result in disqualification.
• Changing the glider during the competition is only allowed with the permission of the event manager!
• FAI Anti-Doping rules have to be observed! (LINK)


• The organizer as well as the landlords / owners of the take-off and landing sites assume no liability towards the pilots or third parties.
• The participation at the competition, transfers, retrieve and general program is at your own risk!

Postponement of competition:

• Till Wednesday, 2020-07-21 at 12am it will be definitely decided if the competition will be hold or if it will be postponed to reserve date 29th July - 1st August 2021.
• This will be published at the website LiveTrack24

Competition tasks:

• The competition is planned for 4 tasks
• Race to Goal or Elapsed Time or Free Distance in specified direction
• The tasks will be set by the race committee based on the daily weather forecast directly before the start of the task. Participation to briefing is mandatory (English briefing /weather briefing on demand)

Retrieve service:

• Each participant is responsible for the retrieval!
• There is a Retrieve-Headquarter with Retrieve buses, which organizes retrieval on main roads.

Mandatory Report-Back (Sign-Out):

• Each participant must report back to the competition office (Sign-Out) by the time indicated at the briefing.
• Telephone replies will only be accepted if the pilot is unable to report back to the competition office by the requested time.
• Every participant who has not been signed out will be searched with all available means. The participant will be billed for the costs of an unnecessary search.

Documentation and scoring:

• Evaluation according to league rules
• The documentation of the competition flights is done exclusively by GPS
• The Livetrack24 app or a suitable device that sends the data to Livetrack24 (Flymaster Tracker) can be automatically evaluated
• In hindsight, the flight can also be manually uploaded to the preliminary task result via the Livetrack24 event page (you have to be logged in for this)
• Evaluation is also possible at the competition office
• Common PC connection cables are available for the evaluation, but you must bring your own cable for special devices

Complaint and protest:

• Complaint in written form free of cost within 30 min. after display of unofficial results.
• Protest in written form and payment of protest fee within 30 min. after display of official results.
• Protest fee according to Austrian competition rules: € 50, ‐
• Protest fee to the ONF according to Austrian competition rules: € 100, -


Files to download:

Actual .openair- and .kml - files from Austria are provided on the website of Austrocontrol:

Info about Flying here

Standard starting place for the competition is at Speiereck (used for south and east wind direction - first picture), if we have northern or westerly winds we have the opportunity to go up with ski lift to Aineck (second picture).

Coordinates and heights:

• Take off Speiereck Peterbauerkreuz South/East [D07] (2011 Meter)
• Take off Aineck North/West [D09] (2235 Meter)
47°03'24.82"N, 13°38'13.34"O
• Landing field DFC club cottage [A01] (1045 Meter)
47°05'45.50''N, 13°39'24.50''O

Waypoints Download:

• for Android, Bräuniger/Flytec, Skytraxx, Compass, Syride: CompeGPS
• for Android, Bräuniger/Flytec, fsdb: FS GeoFormat
• for Naviter Oudie (SeeYou): CUP
• Instructions for uploading waypoints to the GPS - see "Pilots List - Download your waypoints"



Printable Waypoints Map

How to get here

Event area and competition office :

DFC Lungau club cottage, landing field
Gerlgasse, 5582 St.Michael im Lungau
47°05'45.50''N, 13°39'24.50''O

By car:

…from North (Germany, Salzburg):
A10 Tauernautobahn till exit St. Michael (toll station), B99 towards Tamsweg, junction St.Martin
Alternative: A10 till exit Ennstal and toll-free on B99 via Radstadt and Obertauern towards St.Michael, junction St.Martin

…from South (Slovenia, Italy, Carinthia):
A10 Tauernautobahn till exit St. Michael (toll station), B99 towards Tamsweg, junction St.Martin
Alternative: A10 till exit Rennweg and toll-free on B99 via Katschberg towards Tamsweg, junction St.Martin
…from East (Styria):
B96 via Murau and Tamsweg towards St.Michael, junction St.Martin

By train:

Radstadt (30km) – per “Postbus” to St.Michael
Tamsweg (10 km) via Unzmarkt


Tourism Office St.Michael im Lungau

Raikaplatz 242, 5582 St. Michael im Lungau
Phone number: +43 (0) 6477 8913 0
Fax number: +43 (0) 6477 8913 - 54


Parking places are located north of the street, it is also possible to camp there for free. (see Area Info & Activities)

Area Info & Activities

Selection and entry fee


• Online registration at LiveTrack24
• The registration is only valid after paying the full entry fee!


Maximum number of participants: 120 (90 Austrian, 30 International)
• If the competition is booked out till 2021-06-06, a selection according to WPRS (World Pilot Ranking System of FAI) will follow, afterwards you will get an E-Mail with confirmation and a request to pay the Entry fee.
• If the competition is not booked out till 2021-06-06 the selection is done according to the motto “First Come, First Serve”, you will get an E-Mail with confirmation and a request to pay the Entry fee.

Entry fee:

• € 120,- (Overall, Serial, Sport, Women Class)
Payment per bank transfer (After selection on 2021-06-06 you will get an E-Mail with more infos about bank transfer)
or € 140,- in cash directly at site on 2021-07-22, as long as there are places avaiable


• No refund of entry fee if pilot is missing at the competition.
• If the competition is cancelled € 10 will be retained for exposes of organizer, the rest of the entry fee will be refunded (in case of selection and bank transfer)


The entry fee includes:
• ONF/FAI competition fee
• transfer to take off
• coordination for retrieve
• compilation and generation of scores

Competition schedule

Thursday, 22.July:

07:30 - 09:00 Registration (competition office - DFC Lungau club cottage)
09:00 Pilot briefing, nomination of committees, weather report
09:30 Transfer to Peterbaueralm, breakfast buffet (to pay extra), 1st Briefing and Sign-In
11:00 2nd Briefing at take-off, afterwards 1st competition task
Barbecue, beer and bar at the competition office

Friday, 23.July:

08:30 Meeting point competition office, short briefing, weather report
09:00 Transfer to Peterbaueralm, breakfast buffet (to pay extra), 1st Briefing and Sign-In
11:00 2nd Briefing at take-off, afterwards 2nd competition task

Barbecue, beer and bar at the competition office

Saturday, 24.July:

08:30 Meeting point competition office, short briefing, weather report
09:00 Transfer to Peterbaueralm, breakfast buffet (to pay extra), 1st Briefing and Sign-In
11:00 2nd Briefing at take-off, afterwards 3rd competition task
Barbecue, beer and bar at the competition office

Sunday, 25.July:

08:30 Meeting point competition office, short briefing, weather report
09:00 Transfer to Peterbaueralm, breakfast buffet (to pay extra), 1st Briefing and Sign-In
11:00 2nd Briefing at take-off, afterwards 4th competition task
about 18:00 Price giving ceremony

Prizes and competition categories

Competition classes:

All competition classes according to definition of the Austrian paragliding league
(At least 5 participants per class)
• Overall (EN A – CCC)
• Serial (EN A – EN D)
• Sport (EN A – EN C)
• Women (EN A – CCC)
• Regional Championship of Salzburg Overall (EN A – CCC), Serial (EN A – EN D) - must be a member of the Salzburger Landesverband (direct member or club in Salzburg)
• Austrian Championship Overall (EN A - CCC) and Serial (EN A - EN D) - must have an Austrian Sport Licence


According to competition class trophies and/or giveaways


Meet comitee:

• Meet Director: David Lankmayer
• Assistant: Andreas Steiner, Mario Fuchsberger
• Chief Judge: Mario Fuchsberger 
• Chief of Safety-Comitee: Erwin Lanschützer
• Technical Director: Thomas Berger
• Task Evaluator: Florian Schiller, Manfred Marte
• and much more unsalaried start helper, driver, cooks, barkeeper etc.

Drachenflieger- und Paragleiterclub Lungau
Location: St.Michael im Lungau
ZVR-Zahl: 952706960

in name of the Austrian Aero Club

Contact Info

Meet Director: David Lankmayer
+43 (0) 664 1642598

Contact the organizer