SE Wales
12 - 13 Jun 2021
Paraglider Paraglider
Hike and Fly

Competitors List

#Pilot IDName GenderNatWPRSClubGlider SponsorStatus
1 39863 Ashley Stephen M UK 0 Malvern Advance OmegaXalps2 - 22 [EN D] Pembrokeshire Paragliding In progress
2 17089 Mayson Stuart M UK 0 Malvern Skywalk Chilli 4 M In progress
3 52996 Chilton Greg M UK 0 Malvern Gin Leopard - M In progress
4 46436 Davis Robert M UK 0 Malvern Gin Explorer - M [EN B] Elkan In progress
5 39248 Stothard Jason M UK 0 Cayley Nova ION6 - M [EN B] Canceled
6 40409 Impey Guy M UK 16.5 Southern Club PHI Maestro In progress
7 2155 Pentreath Tim M UK 12.3 Avon Club Advance OmegaX-Alps3 - 24 [EN D] Advance, XC Tracer UK In progress
8 22407 Ford Simon M UK 18.4 SE Wales Advance Sigma 11 - M In progress
9 42936 Henson Ben M UK 0 Long Mynd Advance Niviuk Kilmber P 22 - In progress
10 59306 Cronshaw Toby M UK 0 Southern Club Nova Mentor4LIGTH - S [EN B] Mantis, Neo Canceled
11 55337 Scragg Carl M UK 0 Dales Nova ION5Light - M [EN B] Canceled
12 21949 Lloyd Nick M UK 53.5 UK Armed Forces Ozone Alpina3 - L [EN C] In progress
13 59307 Baird Chris M UK 0 Cayley Nova ION5 - L [EN B] In progress
14 41075 Westall John C M UK 0 Cumbria Ozone Zeolite - MS [EN D] In progress
15 29766 Clothier Oliver M UK 119 XClent Ozone Alpina 2 - L [EN C] Mango the Cockerpoo Canceled
16 32400 McNicol Andrew M UK 191.1 DAFT UP Trango Race - M [LFT 2/3] UP Green Dragons In progress
17 35250 Starsmore Daniel M UK 0.1 SE Wales Sup Air Wild Crickhowell Paragliding In progress
18 43831 McDonald Charles M UK 0 Dunstable HPC Nova Ion 4s - S [LFT 2] In progress
19 59320 Hoult Nick M UK 0 Malvern Advance Sigma10 - 25 [EN C] In progress
20 20360 Paterson Keith M UK 0 Cumbria Ozone Zeolite - MS [EN D] In progress
21 58572 Byrne Liam M UK 0 TVHGC Little Cloud Gracchio 24, In progress
22 16273 Miller Hugh M UK 77 Southern Club Ozone ZeoliteGT - MS [EN D] In progress
23 59328 Warren Matt M UK 0 Southern Club Ozone MantraM7 - MS [EN D] Canceled
24 53978 Iffla Hugo M UK 0 Mid Wales Gin Explorer - S [EN B] Canceled
25 59021 Moore Tommy M UK 0 Derbyshire Soaring Club Mac Para Elan 2 In progress
26 17206 Blacker Anthony M UK 43.4 Long Mynd Ozone Alpina3 - MS [EN C] In progress
27 26150 Mackintosh Steven M UK 0 SE Wales Ozone Alpina 2 - MS [EN C] Canceled
28 59393 Swanson-Low Dougie M UK 6 Snowdonia Sky Sports Gin Puma - XS [EN D] V12 In progress
29 59396 Baxter Nicky M UK 0 Cayley UTurn Vision - S [EN B] In progress
30 28141 Luscombe Mark M UK 12.1 Flow Paragliders Fusion In progress
31 48020 Rudge John M UK 0 Isle of Wight Advance Sigma10 - 23 [EN C] High Adventure In progress
32 54613 Hodgkin Tom M UK 0 Cumbria Soaring Club Flow Fusion Light - M Canceled
33 59565 Hall Tristan M UK 0 Southern Club Advance Pi3 25 Canceled
34 54024 Gamblin Harvey M UK 0 SE Wales Advance IOTA - 28 [EN B] In progress
35 39649 Read Andy M UK 0 Southern Club Gin Explorer - XS [EN B] In progress
36 36840 Proffitt Ella   UK 2.4 TVHGC Gin Camino - XS [EN C] In progress
37 34489 Castle Catherine   UK 0 Southern Club Ozone Alpina - S [EN C] Canceled
38 30125 Buck Alex M UK 0 Southern Club Advance Sigma 11 flybubble In progress
39 59621 Frances Tom M UK 0 Southern Club Nova Ion 4XS [EN B] In progress
40 7766 Hamerton Greg M UK 0.1 Fly With Greg Advance OmegaX-Alps3 - 22 [EN D] Fly With Greg In progress
41 22613 Nicholls Seb M UK 0 SE Wales Advance Sigma10 - 25 [EN C] In progress
42 34359 Houghton Robin M UK 10.1 Syksurfers Ozone ZeoliteGT - S [EN D] In progress
43 39589 Shepherd Neville M UK 0 UK Armed Forces Gin Explorer - M [EN B] In progress
44 1376 Barber Richard M UK 2.9 TVHGC Advance OmegaXalps - 22 [EN D] In progress
45 34488 Coltman Alexander M UK 188.1 XClent Ozone Zeno In progress
46 46275 McNicol Gerry M UK 0 Devon & Somerset Condors BGD EPIC - ML [EN B] Canceled
47 40465 Hazzard Rebecca   UK 0 Derbyshire Soaring Club AirDesign Rise2 - XXS [EN B] In progress
48 22820 Lake Peter M UK 0 SWWSC Niviuk Artik5 - 24 [EN C] In progress
49 60491 Ireland Rosie   UK 0 SE Wales Advance AdvanceIota2 - 25 [LFT 2] - In progress
50 60721 Murphy Danny M Ireland 0 Cumbria Nova Mentor 4 - S [EN B] In progress
51 163 Blanchard Chris M UK 9.9 North Devon Flow Paragliders Fusion Light In progress
52 22462 Minkiewicz Dagmara M UK 0 Grupa303 Ozone Alpina4 - L [EN C] In progress
53 13036 Thornhill Scot M UK 0 Derbyshire Soaring Club Advance OmegaXALPS23 - 24 [EN D] Canceled
54 61232 Bingham Paul M UK 0 SE Wales Ozone Delta3 - MS [EN C] In progress
55 61295 Gillespie ian M UK 0 Wessex Flow Paragliders XCRacer - M [EN D] In progress
56 61306 Shirt Richard M UK 0 Cayley UTurn Vision - M [EN B] In progress
57 61324 Perry Jason M UK 0 Cayley Advance Epsilon9 - 28 [EN B] The Life of Riley In progress
58 16115 van Aalten Daan M Netherlands 0 LLSC Advance PIBi - 37 [LTF 1/2] In progress
59 44906 Gurung Padam M Nepal 0 UK Armed Forces Ozone Rush4 - MS [EN B] UKAF In progress
60 47873 Horeman Dan M UK 0 Fly Sussex Skywalk X-Alps4 - S [EN D] Fly Sussex In progress
61 60400 Zammit David M UK 0 Condors Skywalk Arak - XXS [EN B] In progress
62 61371 McDonald Andy M UK 36 DSC Ozone Alpina3 - ML [EN C] In progress
63 42422 Mogielnicki Marek M Poland 0 Grupa303 UP Trango X Race L In progress
Registration Status
In progress51
Clubs +
Southern Club9
SE Wales7
Derbyshire Soaring Club3
UK Armed Forces3
Long Mynd2
Fly Sussex1
North Devon1
Devon & Somerset Condors1
Snowdonia Sky Sports1
Fly With Greg1
Cumbria Soaring Club1
Isle of Wight1
Mid Wales1
Dunstable HPC1
Avon Club1
Brands +
Flow Paragliders3
Sup Air1
Little Cloud1
Mac Para1
EN B / LTF 1-226
EN C / LTF 220
EN D / LTF 2-317