13 - 14 Aug 2016
Paraglider Paraglider

Blog & News

July Challenge - 2016-07-18 09:59

Flying has improved over the last few days,
We are committing to have a mini challenge at the end of the month 30 / 31 st July 2016
We have upgraded LiveTrack 24, the scoring will be based on what they did at the Barberton comp.

This will be the perfect opportunity for low airtime pilots to take a stab at goal.

Goal will be downwind, and less than 20km for the ENA pilot.
And the CCC pilots will have a more challenging task - 60 km

We will arrange recovery for all pilots flying the task as well as 1 trip to takeoff.

Pre-comp presentations:

First aid:
Be part of our workshop on paragliding First aid (severe fractures, spinal and head injuries.) this is a reality in our sport and if we can train people to work together in a group, and understand the risks.
We can be more effective during an accidents or incidents

We have a stretcher and a well equipped first aid kit available at Eagles, but is useless unless we know how to use it.
Most of us has done a level 1 first aid course, which is a good start, but we received very little information dealing with severe fractures and other paragliding related injuries.

Winter flying:
There will also be a discussion on flying during the winter, and pointers on how to approach the task.

Time line:

Saturday 30th

07:00 - 08:00 Welcoming Coffey and snacks
08:00 - 09:00 First aid presentation
09:00 - 09:30 Winter flying presentation
09:30 Equipment checks and instrument setup
10:00 Pilots briefing
11:00 Window opens
12:00 Start

18:00 Braai at Eagles


Free fly task:

Longest flight duration - multiple takeoffs are allowed, only one flight will count.

We have created a what's app group, for formal communication and safety. .... No chit-chats allowed

Please visit Livetrack24 and register on the Eagles mini challenge as soon as possible