Events \\ Barberton Paragliding Nationals 2021 - In legacy of Andrew Smith \\ Task 5 / 2021-04-29

  • These results are computed from FS program by the official scorer
  • Last updated on 2021-05-01 18:08:25 UTC
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Report created:


2021-04-25 to 2021-05-01


2021-04-29 Task 5(All pilots)

Race to Goal 38,1 km


No Dist. Id Radius
Open Close Coordinates
1 0,0 km BL1129 100 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.80167 Lon: 31.05574
2 SS 0,3 km B13099 8000 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.83025 Lon: 30.97958
3 7,3 km B13099 1000 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.83025 Lon: 30.97958
4 11,1 km B42165 1500 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.84041 Lon: 31.04072
5 21,2 km B46150 9000 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.81046 Lon: 30.83799
6 28,3 km B26177 2000 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.86297 Lon: 31.0024
7 ES 35,4 km B23071 3500 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.75413 Lon: 31.01694
8 38,1 km BG1083 500 13:15 17:00 Lat: -25.79079 Lon: 31.04019
StartGate(s): 13:15

# Id Name Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
1 7112 Russell Achterberg M Ozone Enzo - L [EN D] (Competition [CCC]) Jurumani 13:15:00 14:50:52 01:35:52 21,9 38,07 532,8 79,0 385,5 997
2 29136 Jon Pio M Gin Boomerang11 - L [CCC] (Competition [CCC]) 13:15:00 14:52:52 01:37:52 21,5 38,07 532,8 80,2 351,3 964
3 10385 Stephane Juncker M Ozone Zeno - S [EN D] (Performance [END]) Durex and 13:15:00 14:58:18 01:43:18 20,3 38,07 532,8 69,9 303,5 906
4 22629 Anton Naude M Ozone Enzo3 - L [CCC] (Competition [CCC]) 13:15:00 15:04:42 01:49:42 19,1 38,07 532,8 81,8 261,5 876
5 22655 Henry Schurink M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] (Performance [END]) 13:15:00 15:09:52 01:54:52 18,3 38,07 532,8 68,7 232,3 834
6 11441 Francois Miog M Flow Paragliders XCRacer - L [EN D] (Performance [END]) Flow Paragliders South Africa 13:15:00 15:11:41 01:56:41 18,0 38,07 532,8 66,2 222,7 822
7 33689 Duncan Kotze M Sup Air Wild (Performance [END]) 13:15:00 15:12:41 01:57:41 17,8 38,07 532,8 62,4 217,5 813
8 13679 Cal Dyker M Gin Bonanza2 - L [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Gin South Africa 13:15:00 15:12:24 01:57:24 17,9 38,07 532,8 48,9 218,9 801
9 40042 Heinrich Marloth M Triple Seven Queen2 - MS [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Hi-5 paragliding 13:15:00 15:12:31 01:57:31 17,9 38,07 532,8 49,1 218,3 800
10 15817 Abraham Meyer M UP Guru - M [CCC] (Competition [CCC]) Da bank 13:15:00 15:16:19 02:01:19 17,3 38,07 532,8 60,1 199,3 792
11 15871 Khobi-Jane Bowden F UP GURU [CCC] (Competition [CCC]) Cloudbase Paragliding 13:15:00 15:19:44 02:04:44 16,8 38,07 532,8 47,6 183,0 763
12 15823 Jeremy Holdcroft M Ozone Alpina4 - MS [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 15:20:24 02:05:24 16,7 38,07 532,8 38,4 179,9 751
13 27854 Jan Minnaar M UP Meru - MS [EN D] (Performance [END]) Cloudbase Paragliding 13:15:00 15:28:35 02:13:35 15,7 38,07 532,8 45,4 143,5 722
14 7087 Peter Mauchan M Skywalk Spice - M [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 15:50:13 02:35:13 13,5 38,07 532,8 16,4 58,1 607
15 43697 Mark Millar M Ozone Rush4 - L [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) 13:15:00 15:50:57 02:35:57 13,5 38,07 532,8 14,4 55,4 603
16 24124 Andre Nortje M AirDesign PURE3 - L [EN D] (Performance [END]) 13:15:00 15:57:36 02:42:36 12,9 38,07 532,8 31,5 564
17 22795 David Hotz M Triple Seven Rook2 - L [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) 13:15:00 16:06:37 02:51:37 12,2 37,84 529,5 14,3 544
18 442710 Andy De Klerk M Ozone Delta 4 MS (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 16:03:25 02:48:25 12,5 37,93 530,7 7,3 538
19 7091 Pierre Carter M Axis Vega Tandem (Tandem) 7Summits7Flights 13:15:00 15:56:14 02:41:14 13,0 37,91 530,4 530
20 27693 Ria Moothilal M Advance Sigma9 - 25 [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Air School Paragliding 13:15:00 16:24:21 03:09:21 11,1 37,65 526,8 527
21 48314 David Scott M Triple Seven Rook2 - S [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) 13:15:00 34,70 485,5 14,7 500
22 18398 Andrew Taylor M MacPara Elan 2 - 30 [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 33,64 470,7 2,0 473
23 60028 Hans Fokkens M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] (Sport [ENC]) Wild Sky Paragliding 13:15:00 28,60 400,2 38,2 438
24 3650 Francois De Villiers M AirDesign Volt3 - L [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Cape Hope Paragliding 13:15:00 28,71 401,7 31,5 433
25 45672 Bradley Baretti M Gin Explorer - S [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) Gin 13:15:00 28,63 400,6 8,0 409
26 17930 Doc Hawkins M Triple Seven Queen2 - MS [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Darkdata 13:15:00 28,63 400,6 401
27 60083 Warren Miller M Nova ION4 - M [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 28,43 397,8 398
28 15728 Tracey King F Skywalk Cayenne5 - S [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) Attitude4Altitude 13:15:00 26,91 376,5 376
29 6628 Gerhardus Combrinck M Advance Sigma10 - 25 [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 25,23 353,1 22,1 375
30 44483 Brandon Orpwood M ProDesign Scout (Intermediate [ENB]) 13:15:00 25,03 350,2 5,8 356
31 22636 Mias De klerk M Gin Carrera - S [EN B] (Sport [ENC]) Winelands Paragliding 13:15:00 19,95 279,2 279
32 6640 Johan De bruijn M Triple Seven Queen2 - MS [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 18,70 261,7 262
33 36997 Wj De Vries M Gin Carrera+ - XS [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) Moi 13:15:00 18,67 261,2 261
34 57080 Michele Lodi-Fè M Ozone Swift5 - L [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 17,13 239,7 240
35 60037 Gavin Andrews M Ozone BuzzZ 4 - ML [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 15,07 210,9 211
36 29273 Laurence Chambers M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] (Performance [END]) 13:15:00 13,53 189,3 189
37 60082 Bastien Linol M Ozone Buzz5 - M [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 13,20 184,7 185
38 29297 John Nicholas M Gin Fuse2 - 41 [EN B] (Tandem) 13:15:00 11,79 165,0 165
39 42876 Tiago Torraca de Carvalho M Ozone Delta4 - MS [LFT 2] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 11,68 163,4 163
40 60052 Robert Brown M Nova ION6 - M [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 11,05 154,7 155
41 19011 GERHARDUS BOSUA M UTurn Emotion3 - L [EN A] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 10,64 148,9 149
41 59795 Andre Grobler M BGD Cure - L [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 10,66 149,1 149
43 59654 Rob Medley M ProDesign Pro Design Cuga - 105 [LTF 1] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 9,43 131,9 132
44 60581 Drew Kennedy M Advance Epsilon8 - 29 [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 8,97 125,5 125
45 60088 Shaun Holliday M UP Dena - M [EN A] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) None 13:15:00 7,43 104,0 104
46 59694 Jan Labuschagne M Swing Arcus 7.28 [EN B] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) None 13:15:00 3,95 55,3 55
47 59733 Jamie Johnson M ProDesign Scout (Intermediate [ENB]) 13:15:00 2,00 28,0 28
47 37142 Jack Henderson M Ozone Delta3 - ML [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 2,00 28,0 28
47 59830 Hannes Visser M Advance Sigma9 - 25 [EN C] (Sport [ENC]) 13:15:00 2,00 28,0 28
47 36881 Scott Kyllo M ProDesign Accura 2 - 75 [LTF 1/2] (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 2,00 28,0 28
47 60100 Ryan Cook M Niviuk Hook 3 - 25 [EN B] (Intermediate [ENB]) 2,00 28,0 28
47 60182 Suely Nayane Araujo Veras da Silva M ProDesign Accura 3 - 60 (Novice [ENA/ENB]) 13:15:00 2,00 28,0 28

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name
4704 Francois De Villiers Jnr.
5214 Bruce Zaayman
5292 Pierre Ackermann
5886 Kevin Collier
6801 Theunis de Bruin
7107 Jean Van Niekerk
11489 Rouberre Botha
12617 Stefan J Kaltwasser
15819 Willie de Klerk
18531 James Braid
27003 Adam van Renssen
27691 Chris van Noord
29178 Colin Tapson
37716 Sebastiaan van der Meijden
38118 Willie Van niekerk
46089 Luc Resplendino
47148 Ted Liebenberg
48350 Alexandre Cristiano De Lima
59706 Hendrik Smith

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 35.002
task_distance 38.074
launch_to_ess_distance 35.369
no_of_pilots_present 52
no_of_pilots_flying 52
no_of_pilots_lo 36
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 22
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 20
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 16
sum_flown_distance 1258.069
best_dist 38.074
best_time 1.5978
worst_time 3.1558
qnh_setting 1013.25
no_of_pilots_in_competition 71
no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
sum_dist_over_min 1158.88
sum_real_dist_over_min 1158.88
sum_flown_distances 1258.069
best_real_dist 38.074
last_start_time 2021-04-29T13:15:00+02:00
first_start_time 2021-04-29T13:15:00+02:00
first_finish_time 2021-04-29T14:50:52+02:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 2.8618
goalratio 0.3077
arrival_weight 0
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.0818
time_weight 0.3855
distance_weight 0.5328
smallest_leading_coefficient 0.9878
available_points_distance 532.7701
available_points_time 385.4646
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 81.7652
available_points_arrival 0
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 1
stop_validity 1
day_quality 1
ftv_day_validity 1
time_points_stop_correction 0

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2016
min_dist 2
nom_dist 30
nom_time 0.3166666666666666666666666667
nom_launch 0.7
nom_goal 0.25
day_quality_override 0
bonus_gr 4
jump_the_gun_factor 0
jump_the_gun_max 0
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
use_arrival_position_points 0
use_arrival_time_points 0
use_departure_points 0
use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
use_distance_points 1
use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
use_leading_points 1
use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
use_time_points 1
scoring_altitude QNH
final_glide_decelerator none
min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
score_back_time 5
use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
leading_weight_factor 1
turnpoint_radius_tolerance 0.005
turnpoint_radius_minimum_absolute_tolerance 0
number_of_decimals_task_results 0
number_of_decimals_competition_results 0
redistribute_removed_time_points_as_distance_points 0
use_best_score_for_ftv_validity 0
use_constant_leading_weight 0
use_pwca2019_for_lc 0
use_flat_decline_of_timepoints 0