Events \\ La Reunion Pre-World Cup 2013 \\ Day 3 Task 3 / 2013-10-03
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11 years ago (2013-10-03 11:14:15) : Task Update
Several pilots in goal! Well Done - difficult flying today with lots of cloud and very broken thermals. Many pilots landing early - before even 5km minimum distance. Yet others did not want to take the chance thermalling low and putting themselves at risk… so landing at the golf course half way was a better option :-) 11 years ago (2013-10-03 11:00:51) : Task News.
And the race is on - after a few time changes and a change in turn point… some pilots on the ground already, but the rest of the field looks to be well away - from down 'ere in St. Leu looking up at the clouds anyway :-) 11 years ago (2013-10-03 06:28:24) : Task News
We are all on take off in St. Leu but the clouds are getting thicker and the base is dropping :-( We might be changing the task... (No window times yet) Tandem pilots taking off but flying out to landing and to where the sunshine is. |
Event Time: UTC+4
Type of Task: Race to Goal
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