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Events \\ TV opname \\ Hare and Hound / 2014-09-27

  • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
  • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
  • The current scoring was computed on 2014-09-27 12:43:01 UTC

Temporary live task results

#Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
1Sanne Haarhuis10.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
2Target Team 1110.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
3Target team 2120.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
4Bert Stuiver20.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
5Jan Fokken30.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
6Roy Gommers40.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
7Marije Roozendaal50.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
8Hare: Jan Oudenampsen530.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
9Edcar Vermeulen60.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
10Caroline Splinters70.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
11Erik Jan Doornewaard80.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload
12Tommie Witteveen90.0000:00:000GOAL YES Track is live TracklogUpload