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Events \\ 14th FAI World Paragliding Championships \\ Training Day / 2015-01-09

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10 years ago (2015-01-10 14:05:54) : Testing livetracking
     This is a training day, we gave some trackers to pilots to tesdt out the gsm coverage. The pilot names displayed do not correspond to the actual pilots flying the trackers.
10 years ago (2015-01-09 23:03:12) :
     Top 5 on 18:03:12UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 22:43:10) :
     Top 5 on 17:43:10UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 22:23:10) :
     Top 5 on 17:23:10UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 22:03:08) :
     Top 5 on 17:03:08UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 21:43:05) :
     Top 5 on 16:43:05UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 21:23:05) :
     Top 5 on 16:23:05UTC-5

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12
10 years ago (2015-01-09 21:03:03) :
     Top 5 that crossed Start (16:03:03UTC-5)

1. Pilot 10
2. Pilot 11
3. Pilot 7
4. Pilot 8
5. Pilot 12

Mobile view
Event Time: UTC-5

Type of Task: Race to Goal

General Info

QR Code for this task