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Events \\ 35th Australian Sports Class Gliding Nationals \\ Day 1 / 2015-11-10

  • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
  • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
  • The current scoring was computed on 2020-03-01 00:19:45 UTC

Temporary live task results

#Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
1Brett HunterZK-GVZNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
2Brian DuRieuVH-GLQNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
3David JansenVH-IDJNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
4Dennis StaceyVH-UDSNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
5Jay AndersonVH-GYLNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
6John BuchananVH-GBBNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
7Makoto IchikawaD-KGGTNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
8Matthew AtkinsonVH-ZKTNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
9Mike YoungVH-XTKNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
10Ray HumphreyVH-YHKNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
11Simon brownVH-IBSNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
12Steven EvansVH-NZENot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
13Steven WallaceVH-IUONot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
14Tim CarrVH-ZABNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
15Brad EdwardsVH-IBENot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
16Dave ShorterVH ZDSNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
17Nick SingerVH-XYLNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
18Rolf BuelterVH-FQFNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
19Steve HedleyVH-XOZNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload