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Events \\ Championnat de France Vol à Voile 2016 \\ Jour 1 / 2016-05-01

  • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
  • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
  • The current scoring was computed on 2020-04-03 09:51:28 UTC

Temporary live task results

#Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
1ABOULINFPNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
2CAUINot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
3CHAUNUTD34Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
4CHEVALETEINot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
5CLEMENCEDRNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
6DUFRESNEV60Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
7FALC HUNSFNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
8FOISSARDBONot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
9FOURNEAU-PELLETIEREC1Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
10FOURNIEREXNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
11GALPINSMNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
12GRANGERGNNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
13GRANGERAYEQNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
14GUERINVNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
15HAVET1LNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
16LE-GALLU2Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
17LE-GOFFLVNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
18LEBRUNAMNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
19MALLICKLEONot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
20MARCO-TRULLENQUECVANot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
21MOULSKLNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
22NEGLAISAM1Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
23NORTIER-TM3Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
24NORTIER_GKONot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
25PERINETP2Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
26PORNINICNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
27ROUMETTSNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
28ROUSSELABBNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
29RUCHEYNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
30SPIRALHRNot yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
31SPRECKLEY59Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
32VIROLV92Not yet scored YES No end of Track was receivedNo Tracklog yetUpload
33BARTHELEMY900Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
34BOUDERLIQUE-JL16Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload