Events \\ Paragliding World Cup 2016 \\ Task 5 / 2016-09-10
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8 years ago (2016-09-10 12:25:13) :
The prizegiving will be at 17:30 - the venue is not yet decided - it will be posted here as soon as it is confirmed. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:33:21) :
The task was stopped at 13:22 due to overdevelopment on the course line 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:16:30) :
They are all now heading along the Coupe to get turn pt 3 right at the very north end of the ridge. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:13:15) :
They are all now getting the 2nd turnpoint - virtually together! 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:12:15) :
The top 50 pilots are all within 2 km of each other. Today is going to be a very close race. The level of pilot is absolutely outstanding. Half the pilots here were ranked in the top 100 in last years Super Final! 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:06:33) :
Yassen Savov (1st on task 2) is emerging as the leader closely followed by Torsten Siegel (currently in 5th possition overall), Tilen Ceglar (yesterdays winner), Michal Gierlach (currently in 8th possition overall) and Ceri Brown. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 11:01:53) :
A few pilots have taken the route along the valley to the east of the Coupe but virtually everyone else is on the ridge in a very impressive procession. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 10:57:19) :
They are now heading back south to Barreme, the pilots are so close together it is really difficult to tell who is leading. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 10:55:14) :
The top 30 pilots have all now got turn p2 within minutes of each other. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 10:49:00) :
The pilots have now taken the start cylinder and most seem to have chosen%D%Athe route along the Coupe to get to the 1st turn pt which is just to the west of the north end of the ridge. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 10:08:44) :
From take-off 2 groups are clearly visible one gaggle heading along the ridge the other heading out in front to Mouchon to wait for the start at 12.30. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 10:04:20) :
Between the turn pts at Bareme the Coupe and Tartonne the choice will be whether to stick to ridges like the Coupe or will everywhere work. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 09:59:57) :
The 1st choice will be whether to wait for the start cylinder to open further along the take-off ridge or out in front on Mouchon. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 09:58:49) :
Todays task should once again divide the pilots up and get them to make choices. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 09:55:41) :
There are already some towering clouds building especially to the north and east. 8 years ago (2016-09-10 09:54:39) :
Today a short 59 km task has been set around the valley in front of launch which can hopefully be flown before the weather deteriorates. |
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Event Time: UTC+2
Type of Task: Race to Goal
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