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Events \\ Paragliding World Cup 2016 \\ Task 5 / 2016-10-06

  • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
  • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
  • The current scoring was computed on 2020-03-15 01:04:42 UTC

Temporary live task results

#Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
1Yoshiki Kuremoto0020Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
2Andre Becker0212Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
3Michael Küffer0038Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
4Julien Brung0061Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
5Goran Dimiskovski0066Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
6Emmanuel Nicolas0074Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
7Etienne Coupez0203Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
8Andre Rainsford0320Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
9Yury Mishanin0226Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
10Stéphane Poulain0026Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
11Deonir Spancerski0232Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
12Joel Loire0238Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
13Nicolas Alliot0268Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
14Jon Pio0288Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
15Léo Hamard0295Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
16Khobi-jane Bowden0296Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
17Xavier Berneda0395Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
18Yoshiaki Hirokawa0029Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
19Jonathan Marin0025Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
20Marc-antoine Voirin0383Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
21Gildas Ben0373Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
22Pierre Vrel0370Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
23Ondrej Krupa0366Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
24Simon Bonfadelli0371Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
25Gabriela Mettler0337Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
26Eugene Claase0365Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
27Joachim Skondras0364Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
28Sébastien Coupy0363Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
29Anthony Acket0359Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
30Noël Carle0377Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
31Clement Hoelter0374Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
32Pierre Muller0376Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
33Ludovic Robert0357Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
34Michel Rullier0346Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
35Fulvio Polcini0368Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
36Lionel Lang0332Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
37Michael Wöhrle0314Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
38Heinrich Bretz0379Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
39Luciano Pagnoni0215Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
40Michael Sigel0022Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
41Philippe Clemens0477Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
42Laurent Poli0384Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
43Kostiantyn Goncharenko0580Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
44Didier Trochet0386Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
45Bruce Zaayman0389Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
46Arnaud Beugnette0390Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
47Stephan Kruger0391Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
48Fabien Doffin0392Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
49Andrew Smith0394Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
50Cyril Lambert0511Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
51Peter Schwarz0398Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
52Andreas Poelzer0399Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
53Thibaut Chaigneau0401Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
54Roland Freycon0405Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
55Simon Pellissier0407Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
56Markus Roschi0408Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
57Luis Rodriguez0413Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
58Sebastien Combes0444Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
59Jean-claude Dupont0385Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
60Andres Sanchez Martinez0382Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
61Bruno Brugnolo0544Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
62Laurent Coutarel0617Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
63Méryl Delferriere0628Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
64Klaudia Bulgakow0708Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
65Richard Pethigal0777Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
66Antonio Golfari0941Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
67Christoph Trutmann0817Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
68Sandy Lambert0881Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
69Benedicte Saury-jourdain0808Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
70Peter Nägele0898Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
71William Hughes0961Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
72Mathias Ioualalen0974Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
73Jan Sterren1277Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
74Ulric19002Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
75Philippe19004Not yet scored YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
76Stephane Meytadier3481Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
77Andrii Chugaiev7237Not yet scored YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
78Charles-antoine Baverel0858Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
79Emmanuel Vincent0387Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
80Jared Anderson0361Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
81Jeam-Michel Ara_Somahano9000Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
82Jean-marc Gierkowicz0393Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
83Joerg Ewald0201Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
84Joerg Nuber0279Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
85Mathieu Vermeil0402Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload