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Events \\ 34th FAI World Gliding Championships \\ 18m Official Practice Day 1 / 2017-01-05

  • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
  • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
  • The current scoring was computed on 2020-03-06 09:56:30 UTC

Temporary live task results

#Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
1Rolf FriedliF2.4000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
2Borje Eriksson7X2.2000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
3Roman MracekOX2.1000:00:001LO - Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
4Adomas GrabskisLR1.7000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
5Vladimir Foltin101.6000:00:001LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
6Guido Dalla RosaYL0.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
7Sean Fidler7T0.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
8Arne Boye-MollerB10.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
9Francois Delfosse700.0000:00:000LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
10Mauritius DortuGPS0.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
11Steve Jones1100.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
12Erkki HeinonenHE0.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
13Sergey RyabchinskyIS0.0000:00:000LO - Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
14Peter TemplePT0.0000:00:000LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
15Erazem PolutnikE3-1.0000:00:-1-1INCORRECT TRACK FILE !!! YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
16Dave Springford4D-1.0000:00:-1-1INCORRECT TRACK FILE !!! YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
17Tom ClaffeyT1Not yet scored YES Track was ended normallyNo Tracklog yetUpload
18Branko BlagojevicWPNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
19Eric BernardDWNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
20John Coutts7CNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
21Mario KiesslingINot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
22Peter HarsfalviAMINot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
23Pieter NouwensPNNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
24Shang GuangweiHDNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
25Tomas KrokPLNot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
26Wolfgang JanowitschWONot yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload