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Events \\ Inter Service Paragliding Championships 2017 \\ Task 17-3 / 2017-06-20

    • These results are only for informational purposes !!!
    • The live scoring is computed based on the livetracks of pilots every 3 minutes
    • The current scoring was computed on 2020-03-01 03:10:10 UTC

    Temporary live task results

    #Pilot NamePilot IDTask KmTask Time#Turn PointsTask ResultLive Track?TrackLogUpload
    1Jonathon Williams2619.2000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    2Paul Snell3619.2000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    3Andy Hasler4318.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    4Daniel Starsmore5018.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    5Phil Kew2518.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    6Giles Fowler3218.5000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    7Peter Jennings1618.5000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    8Andy Macdonald2218.3000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    9Lyn Rees4818.1000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    10Grant Oseland1018.1000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    11Andy Brown318.0000:00:003LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    12Richard Parton2918.0000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    13Chris Williams3318.0000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    14Chris Adams3418.0000:00:003LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    15Mark Pearson4718.0000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    16Sean Simmons4917.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    17Alistair Andrews4417.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    18Nicholas Winder617.9000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    19Paul Bingham1817.7000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    20Leigh Joyce3716.8000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    21John Wilson4216.8000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    22Andy Rudd1716.8000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    23Peter Baines1316.7000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    24Dudley Walker4110.2000:00:003LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    25Mark Wilison78.7000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    26Jeremy Ovens27.9000:00:002LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    27Alex Hunt157.8000:00:002LO YES Track was ended normally Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    28Sam Edwards357.8000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    29Chris Hill147.8000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    30Emma Holland47.6000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    31Garrick McMullin236.9000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    32Robinson Shakya243.6000:00:002LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    33Phil Bandy393.0000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    34Mark Jones192.7000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    35Graham Lorimer302.6000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    36Matt Tandy312.2000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    37Nicholas Dowdall202.1000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    38Barnaby Pollock52.0000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    39Jean Luc Brewer281.5000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    40Baz Kiely381.0000:00:001LO YES No end of Track was received Tracklog [ IGC ]Upload
    41Alison Barrett8Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    42Gavin Foster45Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    43James Petts21Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    44Jim Haskins46Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    45Karl Ford12Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    46Nigel Lane9Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    47Steph Cahill11Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    48Stuart Blackburn1Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    49Tex Holden27Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload
    50Tom Garner40Not yet scored -No Tracklog yetUpload

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