Events \\ 2011 SA Winelands Pre PWC \\ 16 Dec - Day 6 / 2011-12-16
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12 years ago (2011-12-17 18:40:43) : XCComps: Porterville Update: - December 17, 2011
13 years ago (2011-12-16 11:16:29) : Day 6 Task 3 Cancelled
13 years ago (2011-12-15 07:23:11) : XCComps: Porterville Update: Day 5 FLYING! Bus LEAVES 9:00. Pilot Briefing 10:00. Get your NEW Pilot Card @ B...
13 years ago (2011-12-15 07:02:53) : XCComps: Day 5 FLYING! Bus LEAVES 9:00. Pilot Briefing 10:00. Get your NEW Pilot Card @ Briefing. Give Task Committee space to set a task.
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Event Time: UTC+2
Type of Task: Race to Goal
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