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Events \\ Austria Cup Top Spot - Hohe Salve \\ Task 2 / 2018-03-25

    • These results are computed from FS program by the official scorer
    • Last updated on 2018-03-25 15:08:59 UTC


    Report created: 2018-03-25T17:07:03+02:00

    Austria Cup Top Spot - Hohe Salve

    2018-03-24 to 2018-03-25

    Task 2

    2018-03-25 Task 2

    Race to Goal 60,7 km

    Provisional 17:05

    No Dist. Id Radius
    Open Close Coordinates
    1 0,0 km S1-180 400 11:30 14:00 Lat: 47.4651 Lon: 12.2039
    2 SS 0,0 km 03-138 1000 12:30 18:00 Lat: 47.4528 Lon: 12.2032
    3 22,2 km 31-160 12000 12:30 18:00 Lat: 47.5982 Lon: 12.6123
    4 49,7 km 17-055 2000 12:30 18:00 Lat: 47.4954 Lon: 12.0828
    5 ES 58,4 km L2-068 2000 12:30 18:00 Lat: 47.5215 Lon: 12.2472
    6 60,7 km L4-070 200 12:30 18:00 Lat: 47.5014 Lon: 12.1957
    StartGate(s): 12:30

    # Id Name Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
    1 29333 Simon Arnold M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] (CCC) Flywear 12:30:00 13:56:11 01:26:11 40,7 60,71 360,2 111,1 523,7 995
    2 12199 Herbert Tamegger M Ozone Zeno - ML [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) Flywear, Halton, Parawing, Kaiserwinkl 12:30:00 14:06:32 01:36:32 36,3 60,71 360,2 91,2 379,9 831
    3 13448 Rudolf Niedermühlbichler M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) Flywear 12:30:00 14:09:03 01:39:03 35,4 60,71 360,2 84,7 357,4 802
    4 17957 Daniel Tyrkas M Ozone enzo3 - M [CCC] (CCC) - 12:30:00 14:08:53 01:38:53 35,4 60,71 360,2 75,8 358,8 795
    5 53573 Felix altenburger M Ozone Zeno - L [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) 12:30:00 14:16:25 01:46:25 32,9 60,71 360,2 73,2 298,8 732
    6 9173 Thomas Berger M Ozone Enzo3 - S [CCC] (CCC) 12:30:00 14:18:44 01:48:44 32,2 60,71 360,2 78,3 282,0 721
    7 49891 Elisabeth Egger F Ozone Zeno - S [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) Egger BEST Box Betriebs-GmbH 12:30:00 14:21:46 01:51:46 31,4 60,71 360,2 57,7 260,8 679
    8 15780 Thomas Neumayer M Advance IOTA - 26 [EN B] (EN B / LTF 1-2) 12:30:00 14:33:35 02:03:35 28,4 60,71 360,2 42,9 185,0 588
    9 18884 Marco Exenberger M Skywalk PoisonX-Alps - S [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) Skywalk 12:30:00 14:34:24 02:04:24 28,2 60,71 360,2 45,9 180,1 586
    10 13447 Christoph Sappl M Ozone LM5 - MS [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) 12:30:00 14:34:36 02:04:36 28,1 60,71 360,2 46,1 178,9 585
    11 100001 Clemens Schrempf M Niviuk Peak4 - 21 [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) 12:30:00 14:39:24 02:09:24 27,1 60,71 360,2 42,1 150,7 553
    12 59262 Han Boetes M BGD CURE - ML [EN C] (EN C / LTF 2) 12:30:00 36,13 214,4 214
    13 56757 Franz-Josef Egger M Ozone MantraM6 - ML [EN D] (EN D / LTF 2-3) 5,00 29,7 30

    Pilots absent from task (ABS)

    Id Name
    600 Armin Eder
    4387 Christoph Eder
    4532 Thomas Weingartner
    15048 Christian Amon
    16043 Helmut Schrempf
    52658 Michael Sommerauer

    Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

    Id Name
    18901 Friedrich Wankerl
    48259 Balthasar Wolfenstetter
    49622 Luki Jagiello
    59227 Michael Mussato

    Task statistics

    param value
    ss_distance 58.409
    task_distance 60.707
    launch_to_ess_distance 58.409
    no_of_pilots_present 13
    no_of_pilots_flying 13
    no_of_pilots_lo 2
    no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 12
    no_of_pilots_reaching_es 11
    no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 11
    sum_flown_distance 703.921
    best_dist 60.707
    best_time 1.43638888888889
    worst_time 2.15666666666667
    no_of_pilots_in_competition 23
    no_of_pilots_landed_before_stop 0
    sum_dist_over_min 643.921
    sum_real_dist_over_min 643.921
    sum_flown_distances 703.921
    best_real_dist 60.707
    last_start_time 2018-03-25T12:30:00+02:00
    first_start_time 2018-03-25T12:30:00+02:00
    first_finish_time 2018-03-25T13:56:11+02:00
    max_time_to_get_time_points 2.63488331477868
    no_of_pilots_with_time_points 11
    goalratio 0.846153846153846
    arrival_weight 0
    departure_weight 0
    leading_weight 0.111649761037779
    time_weight 0.526348873463814
    distance_weight 0.362001365498407
    smallest_leading_coefficient 0.936008816238417
    available_points_distance 360.179873900863
    available_points_time 523.700430276118
    available_points_departure 0
    available_points_leading 111.087970058571
    available_points_arrival 0
    time_validity 0.994968274235552
    launch_validity 1
    distance_validity 1
    stop_validity 1
    day_quality 0.994968274235552
    ftv_day_validity 0.994968274235552
    time_points_stop_correction 0

    Scoring formula settings

    param value
    id GAP2016
    min_dist 5
    nom_dist 30
    nom_time 1.5
    nom_launch 0.90
    nom_goal 0.30
    day_quality_override 0
    bonus_gr 4
    jump_the_gun_factor 0
    jump_the_gun_max 0
    normalize_1000_before_day_quality 0
    time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
    use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 0
    use_arrival_position_points 0
    use_arrival_time_points 0
    use_departure_points 0
    use_difficulty_for_distance_points 0
    use_distance_points 1
    use_distance_squared_for_LC 1
    use_leading_points 1
    use_semi_circle_control_zone_for_goal_line 1
    use_time_points 1
    scoring_altitude gps
    leading_time_ballance 0
    final_glide_decelerator none
    min_time_span_for_valid_task 60
    score_back_time 5
    use_proportional_leading_weight_if_nobody_in_goal 1
    double_leading_weight 0
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