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Events \\ PGC Clubmeisterschaft 2022 \\ Task2 / 2022-03-06

Livetracking has not yet started, stay tuned!!!!
Live Pilots 44 out of 44 total pilots in the Task - Results are strictly for informational purposes !!!
They are computed based on live data every 3 min, No scoring yet ... stay tuned
#PilotIDPilotGliderLast positionTask ResultLocationAvg SpeedHeightSpeed
1100002 Andreas CernotaNo Live data yet from this pilot
2100003 Andreas HaberlNo Live data yet from this pilot
366525 Andreas MohnéNo Live data yet from this pilot
41383 Andreas PölzerNo Live data yet from this pilot
559719 Anton SternatNo Live data yet from this pilot
659672 Arno FlitschNo Live data yet from this pilot
7100004 Bernd FelferNo Live data yet from this pilot
859685 Bernd PammerNo Live data yet from this pilot
959665 Bernhard ZiesslerNo Live data yet from this pilot
1065689 Christian GlawoggerNo Live data yet from this pilot
1143273 Christian HocheggerNo Live data yet from this pilot
1259663 Christoph HesseNo Live data yet from this pilot
1358897 Christoph WagnerNo Live data yet from this pilot
14100008 Christopher PribitzerNo Live data yet from this pilot
1547551 Fritz WeishäuplNo Live data yet from this pilot
1647295 Gabriel GanglNo Live data yet from this pilot
1735675 Georg GrieshoferNo Live data yet from this pilot
1871224 Georg KaiblingerNo Live data yet from this pilot
193097 Hannes FuchshoferNo Live data yet from this pilot
20980 Heimo NovakovicNo Live data yet from this pilot
2171365 Helmut WimmerNo Live data yet from this pilot
2217774 Johannes SchantlNo Live data yet from this pilot
23100006 Jürgen SimonNo Live data yet from this pilot
2453010 Katharina GanglNo Live data yet from this pilot
2582505 Leonhard PölzerNo Live data yet from this pilot
26932 Markus HarpfNo Live data yet from this pilot
2771319 Markus SchüsslerNo Live data yet from this pilot
2871214 Martin GräflingNo Live data yet from this pilot
2982349 Martin MillederNo Live data yet from this pilot
3059678 Maximilian SternNo Live data yet from this pilot
3153082 Patrick RobierNo Live data yet from this pilot
3248024 Paul SchmuckNo Live data yet from this pilot
33100001 Philipp FritzNo Live data yet from this pilot
3476674 Richard BenauerNo Live data yet from this pilot
3562676 Ronald WaltlNo Live data yet from this pilot
3610196 Sandro TraussnigNo Live data yet from this pilot
3712918 Saša LeskovarNo Live data yet from this pilot
38100007 Steevy MatheanoNo Live data yet from this pilot
39100005 Stefan ForstnerNo Live data yet from this pilot
4059679 Sue WeigeltNo Live data yet from this pilot
4182559 Wenderson Salvino RochaNo Live data yet from this pilot
4238329 Werner WengerNo Live data yet from this pilot
4359687 Wolfgang SchrankNo Live data yet from this pilot
4426243 Yevgeniy StepanovNo Live data yet from this pilot

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Event Time: UTC+1

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Type of Task: Race to Goal

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