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Mount Voras
20 - 21 Jul 2024
Paraglider Paraglider
Cross Country


Event info

Paragliding - XC Competition Training

Mount Voras (Kaimaktsalan)

The Voras Paragliding school organizes a three-day XC seminar and XC competition, the seminar is aimed at new pilots with a Parapro3 or 4 license who want to be taught the basics they should know to fly effectively in XC competitions, the seminar will take place in the area of ​​Mt. Voras with flights from Kerasies, Promachoi or elsewhere depending on the weather.

The accommodation of the participants will be in a hotel where the theoretical part of the seminar will take place

The minimum number to hold the seminar is 4 pilots

Pre-registration until 17/7/2024

Seminar courses

1. Types and basic rules of competitions
2. Planning a competitive task
3. Basic scoring principles
4. Meteorology
5. Setting tasks on the gps
6. Flying in competitive tasks

Participation fee: -------,-- euros. 
(will be calculated when pre-registration closes)

Bed and breakfast (optional)
Transportation to Takeoff
Take-off snack
Theoretical Seminar

18:00 Arrival of pilots
20.00 Seminar Rules & Types of Tasks

8:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 Meteorological briefing
11:00 Departure for take off
12.00 Flight briefing on take-off
18.00 Flight data collection - Flight analysis
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Seminar Meteorology - Scoring 

8:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 Meteorological briefing
11:00 Departure for take off
12.00 Flight briefing on take-off
18.00 Flight data collection - Task grading
19.00 Dinner - Questions - End of Seminar

The program may be modified depending on the conditions.

Contact Info

Miskos Petros, Paragliding Instructor,  
2017 Greek Cup winner, 
Organizer of Competitions: PROMACHIA 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024 & VORAS Open PRE-PWC 2018

tel 00306944886431

Contact the organizer